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With Examsnap's complete exam preparation package covering the Nutanix NCP Practice Test Questions and answers, study guide, and video training course are included in the premium bundle. Nutanix NCP Exam Dumps and Practice Test Questions come in the VCE format to provide you with an exam testing environment and boosts your confidence Read More.

Lab Demos

2. Demo 2 - Nutanix Initial Setup

In this video we will be looking at how to configure the cluster from a CLI and what the components that we require. As we have seen in the lab guide,we have three nodes or three hosts that are beingconfigured and these have the IP addresses of each one. This is my CDM one, which is part of node one. This is the IP address of CBM two. This is the IP address of CDM three. Usually, these IP addresses are assigned by the engineering team or the data centre implementation team. And these IPS are given to us as a Nutanix administrator to add them to the acluster or to set up the cluster accordingly. Below you can also see there are host IP addresses. These host IP addresses are the IP addresses of the hypervisor that is running on each of these nodes. So we can refer to them as this, as my node one. This will be my node two, and this will be my node three. So I am going to build a three-node cluster and these are the three CVMs on which the Aquapolisoperating system and the CBM are already set up. So what we do is we connect to any of the IP addresses of the CVM. So in this case, I will connect to the first one that is 100 two and we will log in with the Nutanix user. The default password is nutanix for you. So, once you've logged in, you can see that you're on the Nutanix console with the CVMIP two. Now at this prompt, if I type the command Clusterstatus command to see whether the cluster is configured on this or not, you can see I am getting a response saying that the cluster is currently unconfigured, so we can go ahead and configure a cluster. Now, since I know the IP addresses of all the CVMs that I want to form a cluster,I can directly use the command cluster. Then I can mention the IP address with a comma. There should be no space. So these are the three CBM that I want to create, and then I will give the command to create. I'll just expand this a bit so that you can see the full command. So this is the company's command that we are using. So I'm going to issue this command from one serial, which is zero two, and I want to create a cluster with these three nodes. So this command will run a prerequisite check and it will try to reach all the other CVMs executing action on Create CVMs and it will discover the CVM. So you can see here the output. The CDs have been discovered. Four and six have them, and they will perform all the services. It will start all the services such as Zoos, Prism, Cassandra Stargate. All these services will be started on all these three nodes and it will create a three-node cluster. So as you can see here now, the cluster post creation script is successful, and it is back to the prompt. So if I type the cluster status command now, I should be able to see all the services on all the different nodes as up and running. So you can see it is connecting to all the threeIPS and it is giving me the output as up. And if you go up, you can notice that six is up, which is my third CVM. If I go further up, I can also notice that my four is also up, and if I go a little bit further up, I can see the two, which is my first CVM, and even that first CVM up. Now if you notice one thing, on the first CVM it says Zeus leader, and on the other CVMs it just says Zeus. I mean, there is nothing called Zwis leader here. This is primarily because the first node will become the master node or the zoolist leader, which will keep the cluster configuration synchronised and replicate the configuration with other nodes in the cluster. So we can also consider this zoomleader as a column in the cluster where the cluster maintains its configuration. Now, since the cluster is created and the services are running, what we will do now is connect to one of the IP addresses of these CVMs from the browser so that we can access the prism element. So I will connect to the IP address as two. By default, it takes 9440 by There is a default port for prism elements, and I will just say, "Proceed," and that brings up my prism element interface. I will log in with the default username admin and the default password is mechanics for you. But since you are logging in for the first time,it will prompt you to change the password. So you should change the password and the password should meet the complexity of having an upper case letter,a special character, and a numeric as well. So once the password is successfully changed, I can now log in with the new password. Now the moment I log in with the new password, it will ask me to provide the next credential. Now this next credential is a Nutanix forum from where you can download this Nutanix community edition software to build your own lab. The first step is to create an account if you don't already have one. Or you can give the credentials of your account so that it will verify that you are a registered account holder. I will check with the Nutanix website. So you should also have internet connectivity to the cluster as well. So your cluster should be able to reach the internet as well. Now you can see here we have logged into the dashboard and you can see I am running the latest version, which is the 19th of 2019 version, okay? And I can see the summary of the storage. I can see three wheels running. I can see three hosts with three blocks. Now, why does it say three hosts and three blocks? because every node is an individual node. I'm setting it up as an individual mechanics community edition. So if you see here, we have like three VMs, and if I go to the VM section here,I can see three VMs running on three different VMs. Okay? If I uncheck this box, there are controller VMs that include controller VMs. I will not see these VMs because they will be hidden. Now, since these three VMs are running, every time I have to connect to the cluster management interface,I have to connect to any one of these VMs. So instead of connecting to individual CVMs or remembering the IP addresses of each CVM, what I can do is I can go to the settings option here and I can click on this cluster details pan where I can assign a cluster name and I can assign a virtual IPS for the cluster, which will represent all the three nodes in the cluster. So if I save this and since I have assigned the virtual IPS to the cluster now, I can directly connect to this virtual IP address and I am able to manage the entire cluster irrespective of how many nodes are there in the cluster, 310, 210, whatever it is. By assigning a cluster IP address, I will be able to manage the entire cluster using this virtual IP address. So you can see here the name has changed. This cluster virtual IP address is also useful when you are installing your Nutanix guest tools on the guest VMs because the guest tools will communicate with this cluster IP address for communication purposes. If we go to the next section, since we are in the same one here, Now let me just log off and we will connect to the cluster IP address that we have assigned just now. So I will remove this and I will connect to the cluster IP address, which is my 15, and you can see it is a new IP address. So I will give the permission to connect to username debris and give the same old password that has changed for the first time. Now, you can see I am logging into thecluster with the cluster IP address irrespective of the CBM IP address, and I am able to do all the functionality here from the prism admin. If you want to integrate this cluster with a prism central, you can register that. But before registering it, you need to have a prism central instance running in your cluster. You can download the prism central instance from the user menu here, and you can set up thatprism central VM on the nutanix cluster and configure it. If you want to change the password of the administrator, you can do that here. If you want to update the profile of the admin, you can update the profile here. There are a few more things you want to look at in your Nutanix about Nutanix.So you can go here and you can check your Nutanix version, and you can also look at the licence that is running here. We are running a starter license. Other than the Starter license, you also have a NutanixPro and an Ultimate License which can be used. And if you go to the Settings option, you can see here. If you want to configure your CBM with extra IP, you can see right now the CBMs are running at 16 GB in case you want to upgrade them to 2024 GB, or as per your available resources, you can upgrade the memory of the CVM if you want to expand the cluster. If you have additional nodes on the network, you can discover them and expand them to the cluster as well. If you want any images like ISO images for your virtual disk, you can also go to the Image Configuration and you can upload those ISO images here. So let us upload one image here. So if I click on this image and then give it a name here as, let's say, font OS, I will select the image type as ISO. Then I have a container here. So if I click on this, I have two containers. One is a self-service container, which is used for the Nutanix self-service portal, and I have a default container. When a Nutanix cluster is created, it will create a storage pool that includes all of the physical discs from all of the cluster's nodes, as well as a default container. If we want to create our own containers, we can also create those own containers as well. So I can upload this ISO in the default container, or I can upload it from a URL, or I can upload it as a file so I can go and choose the file. And here I have a Nutanix SOS file that I will upload here. So you can see here it's been identified and I can click on save and that will start. A Nutanix file is not being used. I will go here and I will save it now. Now you can see here it started creating the image and it is uploading the file now. So this way, we can upload all the ISO or images that are required for Guest VM creation in the Image configuration section and we can manage them from here directly. While the images are uploading, you can see we also have a Lifecycle Management option where we can manage the entire cluster, we can look at the software components of the cluster, we can also look at the options of performingan inventory, looking at advanced settings, and also looking at the version of the LCM framework. So when you perform an inventory automatically,it will update the LCM software to the newer version that is available. If you want to reboot the cluster,you can reboot the cluster from here. You can decide which CVM you want to reboot. Sometimes you want to reboot a CVM. You can do that if you want to enable remote support. You can enable the remote support and you can choose how many hours you want to enable the remote support for or if you want to disable it. You can disable it as well. This remote support is primarily for the technical support team to access your Nutanix cluster and assist you in terms of troubleshooting. I will make it disabled. And for upgrading the software, you can go to the Upgrade software option where you will see the multiple components and the Nutanix cluster. Every time you go to the Update Software section,the Nutanix software will try to look at what the latest available updates are there. You can also select this checkbox for automatic downloadoption so you can see the current version is the latest version, so we don't have any updates. Then you can also look at the file server,so it will also tell you what file servers are available for updating. If you look at the hypervisor, it will also give you the version of the hypervisor. Since we are running a HQ hypervisor here, it is updated along with the Aosa operating system. If you're running an ESXi or MicrosoftHyperV update, you can also update them by loading the binaries as well. So you can load the binaries of the hypervisor or the metadata file here and you can upload them manually as well. The NCC Tool so the NCC tool that is currently running is three six, but there are a few latest versions available for some reason as well. Or if you want to get the latest diagnostic information or tools as part of the NCC tool, you can also update that. Then finally, you can also update your foundation as well. So the foundation is currently at version 4.2. If you want to update the new versions, you can update that as well. Okay, so this was a section about the initial setup of creating a cluster and how to access the cluster from a prism element, how to assign a clusterIP address to the cluster so that we can connect to the cluster IP address for management. And we have also gone through the settings section of the cluster. There are a few more settings sections which I will take you through in the next modules as needed.

3. Demo 3 - Nutanix VM Management and Storage Configuration

Okay, so I have logged into this onenutanix cluster which is running the Acropolis hypervisor. And we can see here that this hypervisor is also configured for prism central as well. As we were discussing yesterday, the prism centre is for multicluster management and the prism element. So right now I have logged into theprism element and I can see that this nutrients cluster is running the Acropolis hypervisor. And this is my main dashboard. The moment I log in, I get this dashboard. And from this dashboard I can look at different attributes quickly, like my storage summary, how much storage is available, what free space is available, etc. I can also click on this option where I have logical and physical. So if I click on physical, I can see the physical space that is available. Now, the physical space shown has 14 terabytes, three out of 15 terabytes. And below, I can also see virtual machines that are running. There are around 18 VMs that are running on this cluster. And I can see how many of them are off and how many of them are on. And I can also see here on this dashboard my cluster-wide IOPS. So I can look at my performance at a glance and I will be able to understand my IOPS performance,what my controller IOPS is, and what my latency is. So I can see these things. And also I can see the health section, where I can see any critical issues that are prevailing in my cluster. So, for example, related to the disc, I don't have anything. Everything is fine with my disk. So if I go to or click on the disc option, I'll be taken to the Health page. And this health page has a tutorial that tells us what type of information is available where. So I will just take you through this tutorial. As we can see, this simulator will actually help us understand what all the information we can see. So I can see here the entity counter. This entity counter keeps track of my entities that I am observing or will depend on the monitoring that I am doing. I can also look at the number of entities that I have and I can also see what the quick glance is so that I can see how many discs are in critical stage. So by looking at this entity, I can see that two discs are in a critical stage. So I can drill down to that disc and understand what the issue is with that disk. So if I go to the disc here, I can see there are discs and these discs are grouped by the tier. How the tiering is done So you can see here the disc usage. Here you can see the percentage of usage that is being used and which discs are having an alert. So I can click on those two discs and I can go for the check and I can run the check to understand what the issue is with that disk. So if I click on this HED usage, it will give me the details, and I can see that today these two discs are having a critical alert. So I can understand and try to see what the possible cause of the error is, what the resolution is,and what the impact is on my cluster. This tutorial can be used anytime you want to look at this tutorial to understand what type of information is found there. And you will get access to the tutorial. Okay, you'll get access to the tutorial from this Help menu. So when I click on this question mark, I will get the Help tutorial here any time I can go and look at the tutorial. I can also access the Nutrition community forums for any solutions or errors that I am facing. I can also access the online documentation and the support portal as well.Now let me go back to the dashboard again. So once I go back to the dashboard, I can also see some critical alerts. If any critical alerts are there, if any warning alerts are there, any data resiliency status. So I can also look at the data resilience status and I can also see whether the rebuild capacity is available or not. So one more thing related to the hardware. Yesterday we discussed the number of hosts and the block, right? So if you see here, here it is showing me one block and four hosts. So I am using a NX 3060 model,which provides me with the chassis hardware configuration where one block can host four models. For example, if I have two blocks, then I will see the block number as two and I will see the host as eight if both the blocks are fully populated. Okay, if I go to this drop down menu here, I have different options related to health, VMmanagement, storage management network section, hardware, file server. I can also create a fileserver within the Nutanix cluster. So, Nutanix also provides its Acropolis file server,which we can use and configure the Nutanixcluster as a file storage as well. I can look at the data protection,analysis, alerts, task settings, and self service.Let us go to the first section, which is the Health section. So, in this health section, I am able to look at the entire information about my cluster, including the virtual machines. How many of them are running? How many of them are healthy? Is there any virtual machine that is experiencing a critical issue? I can see the host, I can see the disk, I can look at the storage, I can look at the container. So what are the different containers I have? So here you can see I have one storage pool,but I have 23 containers in that storage pool. I can look at the production domain I can look at remote sites as well, so there is a remote site also configured in this demo, and I can look at the cluster services as well, and here I can see all the different information related to each entity that I am considering. If I click on this VM entity, I can see what the different things that are configured and how the virtual machines are grouped together. They are grouped together based on host memory. Reserved memory. So it provides me all the different types of groups that are being created, so I can create a group of VMs and I can manage them accordingly as well. If I want to look at this CBM utilisation because the CBM is a very important component and it takes care of my nutritioncluster, I can click on this option that shows me the four different hardware nodes that are running and I can also see the usage of each day, so it keeps on giving me different days as well, so I can look at the history and understand how the CPU usage is happening in my cluster I can also look at the VM CPU utilization, so when I click on this VM CPU utilization, I will be able to get these multiple views of the VM, so I can see that this VMware is not running. They just startedtoday actually okay.I can also look at the VM latency. I can look at the VM swap rate. I can look at the virtual machines. I can look at the received packet drops and transmitted packet drops. By looking at this information, I will be able to identify where the bottleneck I can also go to the action tab here and set the frequency for NCC so that the NCC can run on a weekly basis or monthly basis or as per the schedule that I set. I can also directly collect the log files from here and I can give an option of particular time that I want to collect for the past how many days you want to collect the log file or you can also give your customised date range so that you can actually choose from what time to what time you want to collect your log files as well. The collection of log files in Nutanix is very simple and it collects all the relevant information that is needed by the support team to get it done. I can select my award and I will say just collect the log files for the past 1 hour. I can run the job, so I can choose one day. I can choose one day. Okay, so let us say I will select the past 4 hours and I can run the report. Now the job has been submitted and I can look at the status of the job here in this dropdown menu where it will show me the lock collector job is currently at 0%. Okay, if you want to see all the tasks below, you have this option to view all tasks, and if you click on that, I can see the progress of all my different activities that are running. So you can see here, this is our job,the job that we have scheduled in the log, right? So it is running at 12% now and when it gets completed, I will get the successful message and I can click on the details to see any details as well. Okay, this is a place where we can view all the tasks that are happening or I can directly go to my task option as well. From the dropdown box, let us go to the next option, which is the VM. So here you can click on the VM. So you will get to see the summary of all the virtual machines that are running here, and for each virtual machine you will be able to see what the IOPS is. You can also have a look at the top guest VMs by controller or top guest VMs by latency or by memory angle. So it will tell you which are the top VMs that are using more iOS. So quickly, you will be able to identify the VMs that are used. And below, if you see, I have an aCPU, so I can see what the CPUs that are provisioned in my Nutanix cluster. It shows me around 121 vCPUs and I can also see the memory. 322GB of memory istotally provisioned, of which 200 is reserved. Okay, now this is the overview. The overview tab or the section will give you an overview of all my current activities. I can create a VM from here directly using the Create VM option, or I can go to the table. The table view will give me the list of all the VMs that are running in my cluster and any VM If I want to look at a particular VM, like BDest, when I click on that VM, I can see the usage details of that VM. What is the name of the VM? What is the host on which the VM is running? What is the IP address of the host? How much memory is allocated for this VM? How many cores are allocated? What is the IP address or network interfaces that are created on the VM? I can also see which storage container the VM is created on and how many virtual discs are assigned to that VM. I can also see whether the NGTtools are enabled and mounted or not. And I can also see whether the protection is available for this VM or not. So by looking at this VM, I can say that the VM is not protected. So I can take a snapshot of the VM. So I can go to the snapshot options here and I can click on Take a Snapshot. I can launch the console of the VM from here. I can power up the VM, I can migrate the VM, I can pause it, and I can clone it as well. If I want to clone it, I can update the configuration, or I can delete the VM as well. So, starting from performance, I can see the CPU usage of the VM. The memory is not that much used. I can see that theIOPS are there and I can also see the virtual disk. So this VM has two virtual discs and I can see the size of the virtual disc as well. And below, if I go, I can again see all the details of the particular disc that I am selecting. So if I select a specific disk, I will be able to get the data about that disc and look at the performance of that disc in VM snapshots. We currently don't have any snapshots. So if I want to take a snapshot, I click on Take Snapshot and I can give it a name. So I will give it as a test and then the job will be scheduled. So, the VM snapshot is created here and you can see it in action. I can look at the details of the snapshot, I can copy the VM from a snapshot, I can restore the VM from a snapshot, and I can delete the snapshot as well. If I click on the details option, I will get to know which VM it is, when it was created, and what the configuration of that VM was at the time the snapshot was created. And if I feel this configuration is appropriate, and if I want to make a clone, I can make a clone of that VM as well. So, when I'm creating the clone, I can use the VM name along with the clone name. I also have the option of changing the course while I am creating a clone, changing the memory as well, and editing the disc if needed. And if I click on this option, I will get the job scheduled for cloning the VM as well. And I can see that this VM is cloned. So you see, here we have the VDtest one underscore clone and you can see that it is already ready to power on. So I can also power on this VM. I will select the VM, then I can verify the name, and then I can power on the VM as well. So I can do an instant clone using a specific snapshot that I need for a particular VM and I will be able to clone it as and when needed. We can create a VM from here. So if I click on Create VM, then here I can give a name for the VM. I can give a description. I can select the time zone as well, depending on where I want the VM to have the time zone. Or I can also use the VM as an AgentVM option as well, so that every time I'm going to use a self-service portal or a catalog, the users can use this configuration as an Agent configuration as well. I can select the vCPUs that I need, I can select the cores per vCPU, and I can give the memory requirements that I meet. And here, a CDROM will be added by default, an empty CDROM. And if I want to add additional CD ROMs, I can add additional CD ROMs by selecting the type of disc as CDROM. Then I can select the empty CD Rom.Or I can mount an ISO image. If I mount an ISO image, I will be able to select the ISO image that is available in the container. Okay, so we have a CD-ROM here. Let us add a disk. So I will add a disk, so I will keep the type as disk, and I will say allocate the storage from the storage container because I want the disc to use the storage container for storing the data. Then I can select the type of bus that I need for the disc, whether I want a scuffy disc or SATA or IDE or PCI. Usually we go for Scuffy because it's much faster. Then I can look at the list of containers. So you see here, I have so many containers that are created, so I can select any one container and I can deploy the VM in that container. Then I can give the size, so I will give the size as 40GB. Then I can select the index so it can index my VM as well as the data that is recited on the index for faster search. Then I'll be able to say add. So, if you look down, you'll notice you only have one CD Rom and one disk. As we discussed yesterday, we can also create volume groups. But to create the volume groups, I need to enable theIscathy, which is right now not enabled. Then I have the option of adding a network card for my VM. So if I need a nick, I can add a network card to the VM and I can also select the network that I want to map it to. Like, for example, in an ESXi server, we map theVM network or the different port groups, right? In the same way, I can select the VLAN that I want to use, then I can make it connected or disconnected depending on how I want it to run. And if I need to give a specific IP address to the network card, I can also give it from here itself, so I don't need to wait for the VM to get installed. The setup to finish.Then I will be configuring the IP address for the nick right here I can directly give the IP address, so I can give an IP address from the same range as part of my network. So because I selected this network demo network, which is already configured for this IP scheme, once I get the IP address, I can add the network card. Now, if I go down, you see, I have an anetwork card and I have a requested IP address as well. So this IP address will be requested from thevillain and it can use that IP address. I can also set the host affinity policy. So if I click on Set Host, it shows that we have four nodes in the cluster. So which host do I want to select as part of my affinity policy? So I can select two of them. Because I don't know if the first one has enough resources or not. So I want to keep the second one as well, just to make sure that the VM will run even if there is a node failure as well, or else if I plan to configure n plus one configuration. Then I can select the three and the fourth. I will leave it as N plus one. Or I can select all the fourth, irrespective of whether the resources are available or not. The VM can be powered on at any specific node. So here I have set the affinity policy so the affinity policy can take the VM on any one of these. I can also use a custom script if I want to use a custom script that is available where I want to upload some sysprep script. If I'm using the Windows sysprep or if I'm using the cloud inpi for Linux, I can do those things as well, then let us save the VM. Now I created the VM and the VM is saved. It will take some time just to get the VM deployed on the container, and if I search my table, because I have a lot of VMs, I want to search for the VM that I am looking for, which is my nut, right? internet. So this is a VM that we created and you can see that the red symbol currently shows that the VM is off. So what I can do is I can select theVM and if I go down, I can have power on options from here, so I can power on the VM, I can look at the configuration of the VM, the storage container, all that information, right? This is how we create a VM, and we are able to see the VMs that are available. One more option is that there is a checkbox here which says include controller VMs. So basically, the controller VMs will be hidden by default. But if you want to look at the controllerVM, you can select this checkbox so that you can see the controller VMs as well. I can see here that these are mycontroller VMs that are available here. And I can go to the next page as well, because it is 25 pages, right? We have a lot of VMs that are running. So I can see here the CVMs that are running here. And I can look at the configuration. Currently, these CVMs have 32 GB of memory. And if you look at when I select this, theCVM, when I'm selecting the CVM, you can see here. The snapshot tab says this tab is only applicable for Acropolismanaged VMs. This means, as we discussed yesterday, Nutanix recommends not performing a snapshot of the CVM. So that is why they have disabled it, right? And if we go to the overview, I can look at the overview of all the different VMs' memory and all those things. And here I can also look at the events of the VM. And I can see there are two events. One is a recovery point, and the other one is also a recovery point, and that one happened 29 days ago. And if I click on that event, I will be able to get the details of that event. This particular event does not have any information. Let us look at the second one. The data is not there. It's an internal event, it seems. So you can look at more related information to that event as well. The next option is storage. So if we go to the storage, we will be able to see what all the different storage information is available. So the overview section will show the different containers that are available and how many storage containers are created. What is the capacity optimization with the help of completion and deduplication, and what is the data reduction that I'm achieving? You can see that the cache duplication is available right now. The cache duplication is one too much. I mean, it's not able to duplicate much because it's quite heavy. If I go to the diagram, I will be able to see my entire cluster view, the entire cluster view. And here on the left side, I can see my storage summary. I can see the free space, used space, and I can also see the storage pool as well. What is the storage pool that is created? What is the name of the storage pool? And I can look at the list of containers that are created. So you can see, multiple containers are available here. I can look at the summary performance so I can understand what the I ops are getting, whether any bottlenecks are prevailing, any bandwidthissues are there, or any latency issues are there. I can look at this information. If I want to look at the alerts, I can go to the storage alert to see if any current alerts are there. Currently we don't have any alerts here, so I can look at the storage event. So here I can see there are some storage events. The first storage event says "updated the container," which means we have updated the container and the event has been recorded. So you can see all these different alerts. When I go to let me first go to the storage pool. I want to look at the storage pool. So if I click on the storage pool, I can see the details of the storage pool. And this storage pool only has an SSD, it does not have an HDD. So we only have flash tiers on this Newtonics cluster, and I can look at the performance of the storagepool so that I can get the entire cluster view. I can also look at the physical tiers. So if I look at the physical tier, if I click on that option, I can see the breakdown of the total 24 discs are there, right? So the physical storage capacity is limited to 24 disks. And below, I can see the disc count as well, that these are comprised of 24 disks. Now if I go to the table view, the table view will give me a granular or list kind of view of all the containers. So the first section is the container. Then I have a volume group. Then I have the storage pool. Okay, let us go to the storage pool. We can see the storage pool here, right? And if I go down, I will be able to see all the details and all the events of the storage pool. Okay, if I go to the volume group, I can see there are two volume groups that are created. If I click on a volume group, I can see the information about the volume group. Currently, there is only one disc that is created in this volume group. Okay, now let us go to the storage containers. These are the containers that are already created. Now what I can do is first look at the storage pool to see what the capacity is available. 14 terabytes of 14 six-terabytes If I'm going to create a new storage container from this righthand side top corner, if I click on storage, then I can give it a name. So we will say Mutts has a storage container. Then I have the option of selecting the storage pool. Since I have a single storage pool, it's only showing me the single storage pool and it is also showing me the maximum capacity, which is 14 three.So this indicates that the thin provision and the storage containers are created as thin provision by default. But if I want to have reserved capacity or advanced capacity, I can go to the advanced settings. Here you can see the redundancy factor istwo, so it is configured as Rffactor two. Here I can reserve the capacity and I can also advertise the capacity as well.For example, let's say I want to reserve the capacity of 14 terabytes, right?So I will reserve the capacity as 500GB and I can advertise the capacity as 50GB. I can also enable the compression. So when I enable the compression, I have the option of doing post-process compression. So for inline compression, I can leave the value as zero so that the inline compression will take place if I give the post process and if I give the minutes as 60 minutes. But it seems the current licence does not allow us to use this feature. I mean the feature of having a post process. So, as I told you, depending on the licence type that you have, most of the features will be able to be enabled and disabled. I can also have the deduplication. I can enable the cache deduplication or I can enable the capacity deduplication as well. So, depending on the licence type, the starter, the pro, or the ultimate, I will be able to enable the deduplication as well. If I want to enable the errors or coding,which is the parity technology for making the redundancy,then I can also enable the error short coding. But again, as we discussed yesterday, for errorscaling I will need the ultimate license, right? Later on, we will go and look at the licence as well. And since I am creating a container, I am creating a container. I can also give a file system whitelist, so I can create the whitelist here, so that I can control which host or which IP address is going to have permission to access this container. So we will be creating a container named Nut underscore SC with ost or whicThis is a limitation of the demo. So they are not allowing us to reserve more than tenGB. So they say "not allowed." In a demo environment, more than ten GB is not allowed. So they are trying to keep track of the configuration because they don't want us to use anything. And let's say I will advertise as five, okay? As a result, it can be written as 15. Okay, let me just keep it as five and six, right? So the storage container creation job has been scheduled. We can see here we will get our storage container. We can search for it. So when I search for my storage container name,I can see that the container is created here, at underscore SC I can look at the replication factor. I can look at the free space available,the used space, and the maximum space as well. Okay? So, with the help of reserve capacity, I am not using the entire 14 GB, I am only reserving it as six GB. If at any time I want to change, I'll change because my customer has requested it. If I want to increase the size of the container, then what I can do is select mycontainer and below here I have an update option. If I click on the update option, and I see the current capacity is six GB, I can go and increase that to eight GB. And I can also advertise it as eight. Or you can use the advertising capacity as now seen here I got the capacity as well, since I'm getting around seven EB and seven TB as per the update. Okay, we can also create a new storage pool if you have added the disk. So there are currently no discs available to create a new storage pool. For example, if you are adding new nodes to your cluster and you want to have a separate storage pool, you can do that. But Nutanix recommends creating a single storage pool so that you can isolate the performance bottlenecks. You will not have any imbalance of resources if the disc is not actively used. So, based on the DSS scenario, Utah recommends creating a single storage pool, but you can create multiple storage containers as well. If you want to create a volume group,you can create the volume group from here. You can give a name to the volume group. So let's say we will give TVG so that it's easy for us to recognize. I'd like to have the Ice Cassie target as well. So you see, the volume groups are used for the IceCassie targets, which I can mount as a new disk. So I can create a new volume group. I can look at the containers, so I can choose which container has enough space for me and I can select my own container. So this is our container, right? Nutshell SC, which has seventy-three terabytes of space available. And I can say that this will contain a two-gigabyte disk. As you can see, I've developed an understanding of the volume grip. I am creating a disc of two GB. I will add one more here,the same container as my container. I will add one more GB. So I can add multiple discs to a volume group and then enable external client access if I want an external physical host or an aESXi server to access this volume group. And I will be able to connect to configure that external group here as well. Okay, we already have some clients here, which I can use the IQN numbers for, or I can add a new client by giving the IQN number here as well. Okay, so once I give the IQN number of the host,that host will get the IQN mapped to this volume group, so I can select the IQN if I already have one. Also, I can put this in a flash mode so that we ensure no downtime migration of the data from the flash. But since our Nutanix cluster is running on all flash disks, We don't need to enable this option. Now, if I go to my Volume Group,you see we get our Volume Group Mutunderscore VG is created, which has two disks. And if I select that Volume Group below, I can go and look at the disc information. How many discs are there? What is the volume group task that is being performed? Any alerts or any events that are available for this group at anytime. I can update the volume group, I can remove the disc, or I can change the size of the disk. I can also attach a VM. So once I have created the volume group, I can attach it to a VM and I will say yes. And I will select my VM for the nut test, right? So I'm going to select that VM so that this VolumeGroup, the two discs which are part of the Volume Group, will be mapped to the VM as an Ice Casi have creaSo it has successfully attached the VM and it has got these two disks. Now let me just save this disc and I will go to my VM. So I want to make sure that my VM also got the disc that I have just now attached it.So this is my test VM, right? And if I go down and if I click on myvirtual disk, I can see the old one is still there. And let me just see the configuration. Still, it is not attached. It might take some time to attach that. So you will be able to see that I can seedisc as well here when you look at the VM. So this is how we create a virtual machine. This is how we create the containers, and this is how we create the volume groups as well. Any doubts on these three topics? Are we good with this topic or not?

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