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Anypoint Studio Basics

4. Configure new Policy, SLA Tier and use Client Credentials

Alright, so welcome to this new module. This is all about customer service. And first I'm going to explain your customer service importantanalogy so that you are aware of the terms and it becomes easy for you to start using the application. So let's start with this. The first thing you should know is about cases. So Cases is an entity that allows them to resolve issues with the customers that they are facing. It can include the issue, the problem that the customer is facing, or if they have any questions that can also be created as a case, or if they have any feedback that they want to share with you regarding your productive services. That can also be included as a case. So you can create a case, then you can assign a service agent who is going to resolve that particular case, and then you can resolve the case. And once the case is resolved,you communicate with the customer. If the customer is happy with the case resolution, they will appreciate it. If they aren't, then they are going to reopen the case and say that the problem is not solved. You need to solve it again. So you can reopen the closed case and again assign the agent and basically solve that particular case. So-cases allow companies to resolve customer issues. The next one is the service calendar. So the service calendar is a place where all the service activities that you have scheduled can be seen. So you can see the resources on the left of the application, and on the right hand side you can see a calendar where you can see the schedule that particularly shows what is assigned. So it shows all the activities with statuses, whether they are the activities, open activities, or they're already closed. So based on that, it shows the different colours and you can see that differently. And also, if you have installed Dynamics65 for Outlook, then it is going to synchronise those activities with Outlook. so that users can just work from their Outlook and all the activities they want to work on can be seen in their Outlook and they can start working on them. So, service kinda allows us to schedule activities for the resources and the resources can perform their work really well. The next one is queues. So queues are used to organize, prioritize, and monitor the progress of the work. So there can be two kinds of queues: public or private. public can be viewed by everyone. So, in a company, all of the people who work in customer service may need to work on a specific type of issue, so they can all work on that. Or there can be specific issues like answering questions or resolving the issues of a specific product that can be managed by a specialised team only. So, in that case, you can create private queues and you can assign the ownership. So it may be used for different classes of cases. For example, high-priority cases go to queue number one, and the person who is responsible for managing those queues will resolve the issues one by one. Or the low priority cases go to queue number two or three, right? So you can define those. And for example, when the case is created with a high priority, a queue item is created that is assigned to that high priority queue. So it allows users to focus and work, completing the tasks that are assigned to them. So they just need to see the queues and what queue items they need to work on today. They can, one by one, finish those activities. This basically improves their work, improves their productivity, and they know what they want to do, right? So, queues are very helpful in organising and prioritising the tasks. The next is an article. So the article can be used as a knowledge base for service agents. It can include the product guides that they need to have so that they know about the product. They should have the product information. It can include the data sheets. It can also include frequently asked questions. So if there's any specific question that keeps coming up again and again, then you can create this as a frequently asked question and include that inArticle and you can publish it. It can also be a problem solution. There can be multiple problems that your customer faces, and if they say, "Okay, I'm facing a particular problem," then a customer representative can search for that particular problem and give them a step-by-step solution to resolve that issue, right? And it can also be a standard operating procedure that shows them the step-by-step process to resolve any issues or the step-by-step process to perform any activity. So you can create articles in the Dynamics 65 service module where the service agents get help and they can perform their job really well. The following one is a contract. As a result, a contract is used to define precise terms and conditions for providing support to your customer. So when you have a customer who is seeking support, you have certain terms and conditions with them, right? A contract allows you to define those terms and conditions. A contract can be of three types. The first one is the number of cases. For example, a customer has agreed with you to get ten incidents or ten cases resolved. So you define that in your contract and, whenever a service call is initiated or a case is created, you assign that contract to the customer. When the problem is resolved, the system removes the case from the contract terms. For example, you have given ten cases. If they consume one, then the remaining nine are right. also on the basis of time. So, how many hours of support can the customer get? It can be covered for dates like from January 1 to December 31. I'm going to provide you with the support you need. So you can also define this as the coverage date. So you can choose a contract using either one of these templates or a contract using contract templates. So you define which type of contract you are going to create in the contract template, right? So, contracts are very important for managing terms and conditions and making sure that you are following up with the customer. As agreed, the next one is service. "Service" is the work that is performed for a customer. So it includes the service description,what exactly the service is. It defines the resources required but not the kind of resources you need to perform the service for the customer. What is the service duration? It means it is going to take 2 hours, 3 hours, one day, or two days. You define the duration. You also define where this service is going to take place, whether it's going to be in your premises, at which location, or if it's going to be at customer premises, then you define it there. and it's also used by the service scheduling engine. So Dynamic 65 has inbuilt scheduling which allows users to schedule agents based on their skills and their availability. So it's a very powerful process. So, services are nothing but the activities that you perform for the customer. And also, you will find in the service module accounts, contacts, products, goals, and metrics, which are the same as in the sales module that you have seen in the previous modules. So that's it for this video, and in the next video I'm going to explain to you the complete customer service process flow.

5. Mule Events

So, welcome to the string video. In the previous video, you learned about the service module's important terminologies, right? So, in this module, you will learn about the service process flow that is default in Dynamic 65. So let's start with that. So, the green steps are optional, but they may occur if you follow the process. So these are option tabs, not mandatory, so you can skip those, but in case they're required, you can follow those processes. So first, the customer logs in to the issue. It means the customer is having problems with your product or service and has reported the problem to you. So they can send you an email to a particular email ID or they can make a call where the service agent locks the case in Dynamics 365. So the issue is locked. Now, this can also be a question; this can also be feedback. So you can include those things in the Dynamics 65. Then you assign an expert to the particular case. So when the case is longed, you can either assign it automatically, so you can create a workflow based on the case type, or automatically assign a particular service engineer, right? Or if you want to manually do it, you can manually assign an engineer or service agent or an expert who is going to take care of that trace and resolve that case. So you assign the expert, and then the expert may ask for more information from the customer. This happens when the service expert needs some more information from the customer to resolve the issue. If they don't need any information, they can skip this process and move on to resolve the issue. So they work on the issue and resolve the issue that the customer has faced. Once it has been resolved, it is communicated to the customer that yes, your issue is resolved and the case will be closed in 1 minute 65. So, once you've communicated with the customer, the customer will check. If customers think that the issue is not resolved and they are still facing a certain kind of problem, then they can reopen the case. Now, this is again an optional thing. If the customer is happy with the solution, they will not reopen the case. But you have flexibility to reopen that particular case and you can move to step two,which is to again assign an expert. So you can either assign the same expert who worked on this particular problem earlier, or you can assign a new expert who can understand this better and basically solve the issue for the customer. All right, so this is the standard of service in Dynamic 65. But if you have any additional steps of approval, reviews, or anything else that can also be included in Dynamic 65 for this video, and in the next video, I'm going to show you the demo of the application.

6. Flows

Okay, so in the previous video you learned about the process flow of customer service. Now in this video I will take you through the service module of Dynamic 65 and explain how this process works. So let's look at this. So this is the service module. This is what it looks like. So let me walk you through the application. So here we go. Here we are in the Dynamics 65 service module and you can get to that by clicking here in service. and the first thing you will see is the dashboard. So a dashboard is available for customer service and here you can see all the information like what the trending product issues are, what the cases by priority are, whether it's high priority, low priority, or nonpriority, and the cases by agent. Individuals who are working on how many cases there are and how many cases there are by origin. So it's originally through email, Facebook, phone,Twitter, web or any other one, also cases by priority per owner. So for a particular service agent, these are the number of cases and how many are high priority,how many are low priority, and how many are normal priority, and also by incident type. So what kind of issues are they logging? So based on that, you can see that this is a customer service performance dashboard. The manager can see what's happening on a daily basis. So let's move into this service module. As you can see here, the customers are the same as the different modules we have. The next is service, which is cases. The first is the case where you can see all the cases. Let me open active cases, and here you can see all the cases that are available. So active cases means all the cases, and when I say my active cases, it means the cases that I'm working on. So I'll open any of these cases. As you can see in the sales module, we have lead qualification, opportunity process, and process flow. So it says that the first step is to identify the problem as soon as the case is created, and then you qualify it, which means you assign it to the appropriate user. Did you send the first response to the customer or did it escalate? The next step is research. Okay, so if you have any known issues, then you can search for them in the knowledge base. Is there any satisfaction survey that you need to send out if the activities are completed or not? So you research that, and finally you resolve the issue and send the customer satisfaction survey to the customer and ask them, "Okay, how did you like the service?" and ask for their feedback. So it also has a complete process that you can follow. So your customer service representative does not need to worry about what the next step is. So here you capture all the case details,the subscription says, for example, customer contact details, and here you have the recent cases that you have with the particular customer,the person involved, right? So you can see all that information has any case relationship, which means are there any cases related to this particular case? So those things you can define here, and finally you can resolve the case by clicking "resolve." When you resolve it, you can say that the problem is solved, and you can give the resolution here. So you can just say how much time you have spent. So this will come automatically based on the activities that you have performed there. You will also be able to manually specify the amount of available time as well as the remarks before clicking resolve. So as it is resolved, you can see that the case is resolved and now you can no longer work on this case, right? So this is all about cases again. If the customer asks to reopen it, it means the problem is not solved. So you can reactivate the case by clicking the reactivate case button, and then you can just click Reactivate. The system is going to reactivate it. You can again assign it to some person, the expert, and you can follow the same process. OK, so the next is the service calendar. In the service calendar, you can see all their resources as well as their schedule. So you can see on the left-hand side all the resources available and what work you have assigned to them. So if you want to schedule any activities, you can just click "schedule. So this is a service scheduling activity where you can search for specific customers that you want to provide service to. You can add the service,which resource is going to work on it, where exactly the work will be done, and when the customer needs it as soon as possible, or any specific date. Then what is the range time? When is the customer available? When you say "search," the system is going to give you all the resources that are available for the specific criteria that you have selected. As a result, you can identify the best resources for the job. So once it is done, you can define those things here, and this becomes an activity, and this activity will be shown in the calendar. So there you can see that okay, for this user, the person is busy from 8:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. This activity indicates whether the activity is open, closed, or ongoing. So those things you can define, and you can see this by month. So it shows the complete month here. When you say week, it is going to show the week. Okay, so only weeks it will show, or if you want to say day, then it shows day wise. So, depending on which day you want to look at, simply select the date, and it will only show information for that date. all right? So this way, you can schedule activities, and then next you have queues. So queues basically show what items I'm working on. So I can also say, like all the items, which queue you want to work on. So, for tier one support and tier two support, you can create different queues. As I am an admin, I can see all the queues, but people who are involved and associated with a specific queue will be able to see only those queues. From there, they can open up the item and they can work on it and close that particular issue. right? So next we have articles. So articles are nothing but the knowledge base. So you can create an article here by clicking "new." There you can define whether it's a procedure question and answer, a problem, or knowledge base. So you define these templates and then you just select them. For example, when it's a question and answer, just click OK. The system is going to create a knowledge base article where you define the question and what the answer is, along with any additional comments, and you can submit it. Once it is submitted, it will be approved. Once it is approved, it will be published and available to all the service agents. So you can define any number of articles here. The next is contracts. So, as we discussed, there are three types of contracts. When you open a contract, you will see its details as well as the contract templates. When you open the contract template, it shows that okay, the contract template is based on a number of cases and the billing will be done on a monthly basis, which means those are the days and times you are going to support a customer on a specific day. right? So it's from Sunday to Thursday. From 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. So it shows that a customer can avail the services from this time to this time and the number of cases is defined. So if you have defined five cases, then the system is going to define them here, right? So this is about contracts. The next product is the same as we have seen in the previous module. The next is services, which is nothing but the activities that are being performed for the customer by the user. So here you can create an activity. So it allows you to define the activity and give it a description. What is the duration of that particular activity? When does the activity start? It will begin every so often. You can define the interval and begin when it begins in a day. And then you can specify what size the users will work on, how this activity will be performed, and how many resources you will require for this specific service activity. So you can define those services here and this will be used in the service scheduling engine to give you the right resources for your job, right? So this is there and then we have goals. So you can define goals in customer service as well as in sales. So, in sales, revenue is defined, and in customer service, the number of cases resolved by users is defined, correct? So my goals for this... all the goals you can see here. So here you have a quarter one goal, so it says the fiscal period, quarter one, and what is the target of the goal, what are the childgoals, if there are any, then what is the actual money, what is the percentage it's already achieved. So, those kinds of things you can see automatically when the system keeps on updating. This is for sale, so you can also have it for service. Like a customer service representative needs to resolve cases, 80% of what they have been assigned, right? Or 100% on the particular day. So those kinds of things, you can define them here and manage them. And finally, you have the goal matrix, where you define how these numbers will be calculated. So, regardless of the number of products, units, or revenue, when I open revenue, it says that it is going to be a revenue amount and it is going to calculate it from the opportunity entity where the status is one. Alright? It shows the actual money where the status is one, and in progress, opportunities will be shown, which is an open stage. OK? So you can define those metrics as gold metrics. Alright? So let's move on to the next one. Then there are reports, alerts, and the calendar. So this is the service model, the basic overview, and you can just start practising it. As for the process, you can just configure and start using the application. All right, so that's it for this video, and I will see you in the next tutorial.


1. Introduction and Core Functions

Alright, so welcome to this new module. This is all about projectservice automation in Dynamics 365. So first I'm going to explain to you the important terminologies and then I'm going to show you the process flow and finally the application demo. So let's look at the different terminologies. So the first thing you should be aware of is project contracts. A project contract is created when you win the quotation for your project. So it explains what the deliverables are exactly. You can generate the invoices from the contract and you can monitor your project performance. So when you start with your sales process, there you create an opportunity, right? And the opportunity comes with quotations. So when you run the quotation, which is for the specific project, then it automatically creates a project contract, right? A project contract is created when you want any quotation for the project. The next is the project template. So project templates save time for the company if you are creating a similar kind of project again and again, or if you're frequently bidding for a project again and again. So you can create a template and it allows you to define your estimated time for the particular project. So on one of our projects, we do it frequently,which takes about 21 days, and we know how much effort is going to be required. So we define what the estimated time for the particular project is. It also has a work breakdown structure which explains that it is a step-by-step process like a calendar, so what activities do I need to perform and what will be the next activity? How much time is it going to take? So I created a complete work breakdown structure there. And also, you can define the project team that is working best for that particular type of project. So once you have this template ready, when you create a new project, you can use this template and it automatically pulls all the information that you need for that specific project, so you don't have to re-enter it again and you can utilise this template. So there you have defined project templates. The next is the project. So projects allow companies to plan, execute, and close assignments with their customers. So the project can be created directly. It means you can manually create a project and start executing it, or it can be automatically created once the code is done. Once you have won any code, then it is going to create the project and it has a defaultprocess flow that, as you have seen in previous modules like Sales Process Slow and Customer Service Process Flow, also has a defaultprocess flow and it helps in finishing projects on time and within budget. So projects allow you to manage your projects end-to-end in Dynamic 65. The next one is invoices. So invoices are created to build your customer base on the invoice schedule of the project. So when you define a project, you define the invoice schedule. It means when you want to build and how frequently you want to build for your customers. So you can create an invoice from the project contract. When you create an invoice, it is based on the actual time and expense that you incurred. So, when you execute a project, your team keeps track of how much time they spend on it and how much money they spend on it. So once the invoice schedule comes, you can just create the invoice and the system is going to automatically pick the actual time spent and the expenses spent and give the invoice to the customer. So once you know that the time has come to raise the invoice, you can change the status of the invoice to "ready for invoicing. Once the invoice is raised, the invoice system will automatically take the expense and time spent and it will automatically update the contract, which means, okay, how much invoice have I already raised for this particular project? So invoices allow you to build your customers' trust through the effort that you have spent on the project. The next one is resources. So resource entities allow companies to capture all kinds of resources that are required for projects. So it can be a user, which means the user who is working. It can be, for example, a project manager, a team lead, or a developer, so that user will be available as a contact or account. It means if you are using any services from your contact accounts, you can include them as users. It can also be generic equipment or a group. So when you choose generic or equipment or group, you need to manually enter there what exactly the generic is, what exactly the equipment is, or what exactly the group is, right? So you can define that as a resource. It allows for the identification of resource skills. So, for example, the project manager should have the certifications called PMP or Prince Two, or any technical consultant, say, a Dynamic CRM technical consultant, should have a certificate of customization and configuration. So you can define those kinds of resource skills, as well as any certifications they have, and it also allows you to define the role that our resources can play. As a result, the resource may serve as project manager on some projects, team leader on others, or delivery head on a specific project. So you can define the different roles and also define a default role. By default, the user will play right? So there you can capture resources and their skill sets and everything that allows you to choose the right resources for the project so that you can complete it on time. The next are time entries. So, resources are required to capture the time spent on any project activities. so users can enter their time spent on a periodic basis. It can be daily. It can be weekly, right? So how much time do they spend on a particular project and the activity? And it is used for project billing because once you know that a resource is working on a project and how much time they are spending, this is a billable item for the customer, and once they enter their time spent, the system is automatically going to calculate the total amount that you need to bill the customer. Once the user enters the time entries, they need to be approved by the project manager, right? So this is how the time entries work, and it allows you to capture the actual time spent on the project. So let's move on to the next one. The next one is expenses, where the project expenses are entered by the project team members on the specific project. So the actual expense that is incurred for the particular project will be captured and entered here and submitted for approval. And expense receipts can also be attached. So if you are using any cab and travel, or any airfare you have done, or any lunch you have done and then you think that it's a billable thing and you need to claim that expense, you can attach the receipt of that particular expense for the references. So, if you submitted the claim and it was not approved, you can submit it again if you made a mistake. So you can recall it, you can make changes again, you can submit it and everyone can see the expense summary. So, the project manager can see the complete expense details and every user has the capability to see how much expense he has submitted and how much has been approved. So the complete summary can be seen on the screen. So these are what the expenses for the project are. The next is a schedule board. The schedule board allows booking of resources and shows the availability of each resource. So you can use a schedule board to identify what resources are best for the project and then schedule those resources for your projects. But before you use the schedule board, you need to configure it for use. It shows all the resources that are available. You can also see the map view where all the resources are located, and it gives you the complete utilisation overview of a particular resource, how much you are utilising them, and what exactly the work they are doing. This is one of the most important screens you can use to manage your resources. All right, so these are the different terms. You will see the same accounts, contacts, and leads that you saw in the sales module. So here you will see the link to those entities, right? So this is all about important terminologies. I hope this gives you the basic idea. So in the next video, I'm going to explain the process flow of projects. Automation.

2. JSON to XML and vice versa

Let's say I had a JSON which you can see in front of you called "planet JSON." It has two planets, Mercury and Venus. Now I'm going to connect messageconnector to the database. When you come down here, click on preview. I've already set up the input overhere to match plans by Jason. As you see, currently it is showing the output as it is. Now, let's work on how to make it into XML. But first, let's say you want to have the Java objects from this transform message and you want to use them in your batch process. How can you change that? All you need to do is change this to Java and it will render a preview for this with Java and you can have what you want. So let's go back to Jason. We see what we want to. Let's say you want to see only the first record. So, because this is a list, I can say payloadof zero, and it would give me values for theMercury because that was the first one in the array. Now you would say, "Oh, I can easily change it to XML if I change it like this." But no, you have issues. Now, the preview did not change. So let's look at the issue. It is saying that trying to outputsecond root moons while writing XML Basically, what it means is that when you're outputting anXML, you need to have a root record. So, let's say for this, the root record is the first planet, and then you provide the value. Now, you will be able to see that the first planet is the root of this element. And then the values that were inside the JSON are added as values inside the XML. Take a look at this XML, which came from the output of the previous lecture. This is the information about the first planet. This XML needs to be converted into JSON. So let's see how to do that. I created a new transform message with the input already referencing the first planet. Let me clear up my screen. As you see, I want to convert it into an output of Jason. I want only the values from that XML. Basically, removing the first planet's annotations. So how would I do it? The first thing I can do is look if I write a payload. What happens? Okay, so I was able to convert thatXML into JSON without any hassle, but I don't like the first planet reference. So how would I do it? Because it's a database, the way you would reference the first variable inside of an object is to use a dot notation and write "first planet." And by that, you're able to get that XML converted into JSON.

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