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IIBA ECBA Practice Test Questions, IIBA ECBA Exam Dumps

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Business Analysis Planning and Monitoring (IIBA - ECBA)

7. Plan Business Analysis Approach: Stakeholders and Output

Exercise Planning the Business Analysis Approach After completing this topic, you should be able to recognise what is involved in planning a business analysis approach. Therefore, you will demonstrate your understanding in this exercise. An Understanding of the Factors involved in Planning a Business Analysis Approach: Planning a business-analyzed approach involves several tasks identifying considerations when planning the business analyst approach, recognising the guidelines are used to plan the approach and identifying the attributes of the finalised business analysis approach. Like many other processes, planning the business analysis approach has an input, a task and an output. What is the input to the business analysis planning approach? The planning approach needs the business analyst approach and business analysis activities. These are the four options. Now let's see which one is the correct one. Option One: This option is incorrect. The planning approach is used to perform the task but is not the input. Option Two is the correct option. The business analyst must understand the needs before the approach can be planned. Option three is the incorrect option is incorrect.This is the output of the task, not the input. Option Four: This option is incorrect. The activities are part of the planning of the approach. Now let's try a different question. Some factors need to be taken into account when planning the business analysis approach. Which of the following considerations is important when planning a business analysis approach? Here you have the options the complexity of the change and the risk involved. How to break activities into manageable tasks timing of the task, the planning approach should always be highly formal and detailed, and lastly,whether enough funding has been made available. Here you have the answer. Option One: This option is correct. A business analyst must consider the extent of the change and the overall risk it poses to the organization. The greater the complexity and risk, the more extensive the business analysis work required. Option Two: This option is correct. The business analyst needs to decide whether tasks will be performed in phases or iteratively. Option three is the correct option is also correct.Scheduling times to prepare for document and analyzer interviews should be taken into consideration. Option Four: This option is incorrect. The level of formality and detail of the business analysis approach is a consideration. However, you may take a more adaptable approach, which would be informal and less detailed. Option Five is the last one. This option is also incorrect. This is not an important consideration in the planning of the business analysis approach. There are a few guidelines, tools, and techniques that can be used by businessanalysts in planning the business analysis approach. Identify examples of how the guidelines are used to plan the business analyst approach. Investigating previous assessment performance, reviewing business policies such as regulations and contracts with vendors using existing frameworks that include procedures and methods used on previous projects, using consultants to lie with upper management and create buy-in at the executive level, and finally, reviewing the business case and performing a financial analysis are all options here. And here you have the answer for you to compare. Option One: This option is correct. By reviewing previous performance assessments,the business analyst will implement suggestions to improve their performance. Option Two: This option is correct. This assists the business analyst in understanding the complexity and risk, allowing them to select the best approach for conducting business analysis work. Option three is the correct option is correct.If certain procedures and methods from previous projects can be applied to the current initiative, it makes sense to do so. Option Four: This option is incorrect. A consultant may provide input about the best approach to take, but it is the business analyst who liases with and engages all stakeholders, including the company's leader. And option five, while this option is also incorrect. This is related to the use of different techniques in planning the business analysis approach but not the guidelines. There are different techniques that can be helpful in planning the business analysis approach. Match the techniques' names to the descriptions of how they are used to plan the analysis approach. Here you have the options of document analysis, risk analysis and management, financial analysis and estimation. And here we have the target. This will provide insight into the contractual obligations of the initiative. This analysis is used to determine which business analysis activities should be prioritized. This allows you to assess options and determine the one that provides the greatest value. And lastly, this analysis gives an approximation of how much time it will take to conduct the business analysis work. And here you have the answer. Document analysis will give insight into the contractual obligations of the initiative, and reviewing other documents may provide valuable information about the complexity of the domain. Risk assessment and management will help you identify risks and determine activities that will help you manage them. Performing a financial analysis on various approaches helps you choose one and provides information about the potential value of the solution. Stakeholders may include regulators, domain subject matter experts, sponsors, and project managers. Which roles do these particular stakeholders play in the planning of the business analysis approach? Here we have the options approving the requirements approach when business analysis activities are audited, providing information about needs and concerns, comparing project timelines and resources with the proposed approach, providing insights into how to conduct business analysis effectively as it relates to the profession, and conducting workshops to plan business analyst activities. And here we have the answer. Option One: This option is correct. A regulator may need to approve the approach in cases where business analysis activities are audited. They will also have to approve the process customization. Option Two: This option is correct. Subject matter experts can assist in reviewing the approach as well as identifying any obligations that will hinder participation. Option three is the correct option is correct.The project manager will compare project timelines and resources with the proposed approach and assess the compatibility with other activities. Option Four: This option is obviously incorrect. This is a role played by industry groups. Option Five: This option is also incorrect. This is done by the business analyst. The business analysis approach outlines how and when the business analyst will conduct their activities. What are the attributes of the finalised business analysis approach? There are options for activity assignments, award, schedule deliverables, financial breakdown, and approach review here. And here you have the answer. Option one is correct. Activity assignments include assigning tasks to stakeholders and project team members. Option Two: This option is correct. The schedule will include what the business analyst will engage in as well as how the scheduled events will be conducted. Option three is the correct option is correct.Deliverables include business analysis information like requirements, documents, and other artifacts. Option Four: This option is incorrect. This is not one of the main outputs of the finalised business analysis approach. And lastly, option five. This option is incorrect. A review will occur before the approach is finalized.

8. Exercise: Planning the Business Analysis Approach

Inputs and elements for Stakeholder Engagement After completing this topic, you should be able to recognise important considerations when planning stakeholder engagement. The inputs to plan stakeholder engagement include the business, business needs, and the business analysis approach. The task is to plan stakeholder engagement and the output is a documented stakeholder engagement approach. If a business's need is to manage customer information, then sales and marketing would be stakeholders. The business analysis approach determines the type of stakeholder analysis. For example, you might use stakeholdermetrics to understand influence levels and the impact on those stakeholders. The way the business analyst collaborates with each stakeholder group is important. If you are working with stakeholders using an online tool, you may want to schedule a series of short meetings with very specific outcomes. How the business analyst will communicate with stakeholders is also something to be considered. If the business analyst is addressing a need for small enhancements to an existing application, Email will be an informal way to communicate. One aspect of stakeholder analysis is to understand the role of the stakeholder, both his or her role in the organisation and the role during business analysis activities. One stakeholder will approve requirements while another will be a subject matter expert. Assessing attitudes can be difficult if someone is continually objecting to the change and bringing up problems. This stakeholder could be a valuable source of information,but he or she is likely to have a negative attitude towards the change and must be managed. Plan Stakeholder Engagement Overview A diagram gives an overview of the process broken down into three phases: inputs, tasks, and outputs. The inputs are needs and business analysts' approach. The task is to plan stakeholder engagement. The output is the stakeholder engagement approach. The needs help identify stakeholders. The business analyst approach determines stakeholder analysis, collaboration and communication, and other things that are useful. Stakeholder Analysis During stakeholder analysis, the roles should be understood, attitudes assessed,authority levels identified, and the degree of power and influence determined. An organisational chart will help the business analyst to determine the degree of power and influence, but that alone isn't enough. Ask other business analysts and project managers (your own manager) for advice. If a stakeholder is external to the organisation, spontaneous meetings are highly unlikely. It may be difficult to manage or to schedule. A meeting with a senior executive and a business analyst will have fewer meetings with this group simply due to access and the amount of time that could be devoted. Also consider where the stakeholder is located and if time zones are challenging. If the stakeholder is remote, then ensure that you provide access to online conference tools. During planning, think about the communication needs of the stakeholders. You need to consider what needs to be communicated,such as status reports to the project manager, who often dictates how you will engage, a presentation to the senior manager, or emails to subject matter experts. The business analyst may communicate with the implementation team through a requirement verification session once the requirements have been analysed and designed. Frequency depends on how much you depend on the stakeholders. Likely, you will communicate more frequently with the subject matter experts. Less formal approaches are adopted in adaptive projects; executives want fewer details, whereas the implementation team will need more detail. Stakeholder Collaboration Some considerations include internal and external, planned or spontaneous timing and frequency,location, tools and delivery methods. Stakeholder communication needs Iterations here include what to communicate, to whom, how, when, how frequently, and with what level of detail and formality.

9. Plan Stakeholder Engagement: Inputs and Elements

Plan stakeholder engagement guidelines and techniques. After completing this topic, you should be able to recognise the guidelines and techniques used in planning stakeholder engagement. Let's discuss guidelines and tools. Therefore, review and incorporate the results from the previous business analysis performance assessments. Perhaps feedback on facilitation skills was less than stellar. Work with another business analyst or take training on effective facilitation. Once the business analyst understands the change strategy,the organization's goals and objectives determine the impact of the change on the stakeholders. For example, the objective of senior management was to ensure the onboarding of new customers was completed within 30 days of the purchase of the software. This impacted sales and sales engineers. They were now responsible for the success of onboarding and the management of customers. As with the change strategy, once the current state is understood, the business analyst may identify other stakeholders or focus areas that need more attention. Existing documents, such as policies and procedures, may give insight into how to engage stakeholders if they deal with sensitive information. An interview rather than a group meeting would be more appropriate. Guidelines and Tools The performance assessment should review and incorporate prior results. The change strategy should assess stakeholder impact. The current state descriptions should give an understanding of the context in which work will be carried out. Techniques for Planning Stakeholder Engagement Atable shows a breakdown of the techniques for planning the business analysis approach. It consists of five rows titled Analysis, Modeling, Group Techniques, Tools, and Document Reviews. Various techniques are then listed for each heading. Analysis techniques include document analysis,financial analysis, risk analysis, management and estimation. Modeling techniques include process modelling and cup modeling. Brainstorming, interviews, surveys, questioning, workshops, and reviews are examples of group techniques. Tools include item tracking and functional decomposition. And lastly, document reviews include business cases and lessons. Learned business rules provide information on the source of the rule or at least which department issued the rule. Remember to assess risk or stakeholder involvement. Organization models will help you to identify stakeholders who are impacted by the change and who they report to as these roles are impacted as well. In my opinion, process models provide a wealth of information about stakeholders: what they do, what they use. While the downstream and upstream impacts are scopemodels provide information on which stakeholders are in scope or out of scope for the initiative. The scope model will also provide information on the scope of the stakeholder needs. The business analyst uses brainstorming with colleagues to facilitate a free flow of information about who the stakeholders are, what they do, and their inferences. To gain more information about the stakeholder group, interview one of the stakeholders and include the process map. This will benefit the discussion. The data from surveys can be used to identify common issues or needs. A workshop with various people from stakeholder groups will provide rich information about the group, especially when you use other techniques such as process mapping and risk assessment. During the session, mind maps provide structure and logic to freeform ideas and conversation in a workshop. You could conduct a brainstorming session using a mind map to document the output. The mind map will help identify the relationship between stakeholders. Personas lists and maps will help you define the stakeholders' relationships with a solution. Personas are particularly helpful in this area. As mentioned earlier, lessons learned documents help the business analyst to improve performance. If a lessons learned document is available from other projects with the same group or groups,this can give valuable insight into stakeholder attitudes and how to interact with them effectively.

10. Plan Stakeholder Engagement: Guidelines & Techniques

Plan business analysis approach Stakeholders and outputAfter completing this topic, you should be able to recognise the role of stakeholders with respect to the business analysis approach. A regulator may need to approve the requirements approach in cases where the business analysis activities are audited. Domain subject matter experts are sources of needs and concerns. They are critical for business analyst success. If this stakeholder is unavailable, it is a risk that must be managed by the business analyst. I have found that working with a manager of a domain subject matter expert to negotiate his or her time is very helpful. I've met with a domain subject matter expert to review the approach and get their buy-in and to discover if they have any obligations that will keep them from participating. A sponsor may provide input to the approach and guidance through the discussion of goals and objectives. He or she may make suggestions on areas of the plan that need more focus because of risk. The project manager will compare project timelines and resources with a proposed approach and assess the compatibility with other activities. Stakeholders There are four types of stakeholders. They are the regulator, the domain subject matter expert, the sponsor, and the project manager. The regulator approved the approach and process tailoring. The domain subject matter expert may pose a source of risk and their involvement and availability impacts the approach. The sponsor is a source of needs and objectives and ensures that policies are followed. The project manager determines visibility and assesses compatibility with other activities. The business analysis approach outlines how and when the business analyst will conduct his or her activities. This includes assigning tasks to stakeholders and project team members. The schedule will include what the business analyst will engage in and how the scheduled events will be conducted. For example, an interview with a sponsor will provide an output of confirmed understanding of the goals and objectives of the problem or opportunity. Deliverables will include business analysis, information discovered during elicitation activities, requirements documents, and other artefacts, including the techniques to be used to ensure maximum use of the business analyst and the stakeholders. A workshop might take longer, but it yields a wealth of information. Also, the type of model notation must be able to be read by the project team, so we'll include that as well. The output approach is the business analysis approach. The approach determines the activity assignments, work schedule, deliverables, and things for you.

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