The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Certification Practice Test Questions, The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Exam Dumps

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The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Exams

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The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Certification Practice Test Questions, The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Exam Dumps

ExamSnap provides The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Certification Practice Test Questions and Answers, Video Training Course, Study Guide and 100% Latest Exam Dumps to help you Pass. The The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Certification Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions in the VCE format are verified by IT Trainers who have more than 15 year experience in their field. Additional materials include study guide and video training course designed by the ExamSnap experts. So if you want trusted The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Exam Dumps & Practice Test Questions, then you have come to the right place Read More.


1. Booking the Exam

Hi there. In this optional lesson, I'm going to show you the website, how to find the Open Group TOGAF 9.1Part One test, how much it is, where to find a site for that, and how to reschedule your test or cancel your test and things like that. So right off the home page here,we're able to search for Open Group. You'll notice that there's a directory here too. So if you just want to look it up by name, you can do that. Actually, before we do that, you can see there are literally hundreds of certifications and tasks that Prometric offers.

So here's the BlackBerry exams, the State of California, core interpreter, the Cisco must-be in here and things like that. Chartered Accountants of Ireland. So, the Open Group, let me go back to this. The open group is present. There they are. They're the only ones. You can find out more information about the certification programme here. It'll tell you a little bit about it, but you have to click this big button that says Start here. Now we're into the Open Group section, so you can locate a testing centre as a first step to see where Pro Metric offers services in your area. Let's choose my country, Canada. in my province, which is Ontario. And then you click next. Now you're going to find out a little bit about the Open Group exam. Some of the policies you can see here. There is a minimum period before you can take an exam, one month. So if you fail, you've got to wait a month before you can do a retake. And then they talk about it being OpenBook for Part Two, but it is ClosedBook for Part One, which matters to us. So from here, you choose the exam that you're interested in. So we are interested in the Part One exam.

As you can see, the price here is $320 US. You can also choose English as a second language as an option, or US. English? Honestly, I don't know the difference. I would imagine the second language test provides more explanations of the definitions of words and things. Anyways, there's no audio portion, so like,they need to do subtitles, but they offer them in both types of English. You would choose part one and then click next. I've actually already taken the exam, so it's going to block me from scheduling it again. So I'm going to have to choose an exam that I've never taken, which is the Archer Mate. But this will be a good example of the experience. But you're going to want to choose the Part One exam. So I'm choosing Archer, mate. Now, you'll see, Pometric is saying here that there are 30 test sites in Ontario for the Pro Metric types of exams. The thing to note here is that they're not telling you. Not every testing centre offers every exam. For some reason, the thing to note here is that you may choose an exam centre and it's going to actually tell you the exams aren't available. So, for example, we know that this laboratory, the Canadian College of Health, Science and Technology, does not offer this particular exam. And it says "no days found." So you are just going to have to choose the closest testing centre to you, and you may have to choose more than one. So this particular one is the one that is physically closest to me and they do not offer it. This one offers it. And you can see here it's greyed out. So the earliest I can book online is this one, because today is October, so you can book 24 hours in advance. It gives you a time allocation. And the thing to note here is that this is not your exam time, so it's going to say 1 hour and 30 minutes. But you really only have 60 minutes to 1 hour to take the exam. This time it includes sort of a survey, like a lesson that happens before and a survey that happens after. And you have a limited time. Maybe you have 15 minutes to learn how to use their system, take that 1 hour test, and then you've got 15 minutes to answer a few questions about your experience. They add that all together and see it's going to last 1.5 hours. But no, you've only got 60 minutes. Sometimes some centres are closed on certain days.

This particular centre appears to offer the exam every day, from 10: 30 a.m. to as late as 5: 15 p.m. So if you go to another center, you'll see this one's not open on Sundays. It's only open Monday to Friday. And in this case, it only starts from 02:00 in the afternoon to 530. So a lot of these centres do teaching during the day. And so it might be that there are certain classes that end at noon or 1:00 p.m. So they allow testers to come in at 02:00 to use up those computers. So yeah, you'll see, this one doesn't open on Sundays and only has a limited time. So you pick the date, you pick the time, you click next, and then you're prompted to pay for it and it'll be booked. Now, the other thing to note is that you can reschedule online. So what I do recommend is that, let's say, you give yourself that reasonable period of time to do your studying. So whatever the date is now, you say, "I want to take this test in three weeks." I'm just pulling that out of the air, but that's very realistic. So let's say you want to book it in three weeks. My suggestion to you is to book it now for three weeks from now.

Once you've determined that you're interested in that,you're definitely going to go for it. Book it now, book it for three weeks from now. Then you have a deadline. You have to pace yourself. You're going to go through all this material in a few days, and then we'll go over it and you'll be able to make the time for it. If you find life happens and you're not going to be ready, you come here, you reschedule the exam, as long as you're rescheduling it with more than 24 hours' notice. Actually, I think it's 09:00 in the morning on the same day. You'll have to check what the policy is. But you can come in, reschedule, book it for another week, and you can do that. I think it's valid for one year. So once you book it, you have one year to take it. That is pretty much it. So take a look at this prometric site. Book your test. My recommendation You don't have to. Obviously, you're going to know best what works for you. But if you're serious about taking the exam, book it. That gives you a deadline. It's not like some day, maybe it's not like next month, maybe next month you've got a date. It forces you to study, forces you to allocate the time. Everyone that you know, your spouse, your kids, your coworkers, knows that you're going to take it on that date. And so you're more likely to actually do it anyway. That is how to book the exam, using the prommetrics. So your assignment is optional if you want,but go book the exam anyways. Take care of Thanks.

2. What to Expect for Level 2

Hi there. So we've made it through the bulk of the study material for the level one exam. I just wanted to take a moment and talk a little bit about the level two exam because the level one exam is great, but it's really the level two exam that gets you to that full certification level. So we're going to review the TOGAF certification for level two. The things to note here are that it is a scenario-based exam, which means that you're going to be given eight lengthy questions that are lengthy.You have to do a lot of reading,sub, shuttle paragraphs perhaps, and then multiple answers. And even the answers themselves have a lot of reading to them. So that is a different type of exam than this level one exam, which is just pretty simple questions and pretty clear what they want you to choose as the answers.

You have 90 minutes or slightly longer time, 90 minutes to get through eight questions, which is just over ten minutes per question. You need to get 60% pass, which is 24 out of 40 points. So the thing to note about this particular exam, level two, is that there's such a thing as partial points. So for a right answer, there might be only one right answer for every question, and that gives you full points. But you get, and you can see here, since there are eight questions, that it's five points for full points generally. But there are some answers that are probably close to being correct, or maybe there's just one or two little details that are off, and they'll give you partial points. And so, out of those eight scenarios, you're going to get a certain number of them completely correct, and hopefully get the rest of them partly correct. And that's what's going to get you to 24 out of 40. The other thing to note is that it is an open book exam, which means that during the test you're going to have a little button that you can click that will open up the TOGAF nine spec. Now you might think that this is great because you're not going to have to study too much because you'll just look it up. But you know, TOGAF nine spec is not an easy read. And so if you need to really read to understand, for instance, the steps of a certain phase,that's going to just waste time away.

So you really need to use this more as a quick look up.If you know exactly what you're looking for, go to that page, go to that section, look it up quickly, and then go back to the question. If you really need to read, you're not going to do that well. You do need to pacelet part one, of course, in order to take part two. And then when you are done,you can call yourself Toadf. Nine certified prices are the same. The retake policy is the same. Everything else is the same. There is a course on Udemy that's not done by me, but is a level two preparation course. I've actually gone through it myself, and I can say that once you're ready for level two,this is definitely a good course to take. It does have the scenario questions. It has eight questions for you to go through, and then you can watch a video where the teacher explains. I will be doing a course for level two in the coming months,but it will be a different format than this. But for now, if you need to,this is definitely a decent alternative. Finally, I'll show you an example of the scenario-based question.

So we have here a fairly lengthy bit of text to read and understand. You are in this company and they're in the car industry, and they're looking to reduce costs and blah, blah, blah. So there are some key points here. They've completed the first pass at the architecture and they're looking for opportunities and solutions. There are the keywords, right? You're going to be looking for ATM phases. This is where they are. Okay, you were brought in to review the work to date and make recommendations on opportunities and solutions. There's that word again. So again, as you can see here, you have to read through this and then there are four potential answers. It is very lengthy. There may be a few subtle differences. So assess the requirements, the organization, look at the health culture and figure out where that fits within the framework that you know that they're in. This is just an example. It's out there on the web. You know, I'm not sure how this person came to this example, but this is the kind of thing that you'll be reviewing and the kind of way that the test will be. So I just wanted to take a moment to show you this. It's a different style. And if you do plan to take parts one and two on the same day, it's very, very important to know that, first of all, this course only covers part one. And second of all, this style is almost a different style.

The other thing to know about both of the exams going on at the same time is that I'm told that there is no break between them. So you hit the submission button for part one of the exam, and you're immediately taken to the first question of part two of the exam. You don't get those ten minutes to stand up and stretch. If you're running short on time and you're going to make it down to the wire,thatdoesn't give you a lot of time. If you've got ten minutes, you're done with part one. You're happy. 50 minutes have gone by. You've got ten minutes left. You may want to just stretch your legs and let the time click a little bit. Don't let it run out, but take the break before quick clicking. Submit to part one if that's what you're taking to part two. Anyway, that's all for this lesson on part two. There's only a couple of lessons left and we're just sort of wrapping up here. So thanks a lot for coming this far again. Let me know if you have any questions. Post them in the discussion or send me a message,and I will do my best to respond. If you find flaws in the course,I will endeavour to fix them. At least leave a note or potentially rerecord them. And I'm always going to look for ways to improve the course anyway. We'll wrap that up in the next video. Thanks.

3. Finale

Hi, So that's it. We are at the end of the course. This is the last video lesson. First, I want to say congratulations. You first of all made it through the course, which is feeding on itself, and hopefully you are better prepared to take the TOGAF nine level one certification. It may take a lot of studying on your own. Definitely, it may take going through some of the video lessons more than once and maybe taking the video lessons, going to the toggle, reading it, and then going back to the video lesson, just doing an iterative process. But here you are.

You've made it through, and congrats. I want to say a sincere thank you. Thank you. Thank you for taking this course and for making it through. I am super grateful that you are here. Hopefully I was able to help you. I would be even more grateful if you would drop me a line. If there were parts of the course that you thought could be better, send me a message, personal message to the instructor, or leave it as a discussion point. It's up to you. I would really appreciate feedback. I will make every effort to ensure that this course does not end. I will improve it over time. I will rerecord videos. I will add information. I will trim out information that's maybe too lengthy or not concise enough. Based on your feedback and based on my own experience, we will improve this over time. I would also be super grateful if you could leave a review. Obviously, in the UAE marketplace, courses live and die by the number of stars they have and the number of reviews they have. So, please leave an honest review of the course.

Did it help you? And regardless of how many stars you give,I would just appreciate that kind of feedback. I hope it can be five stars, and if not,I promise you I will do my best to improve it so that we'll get to that five star mark. Finally, the last lesson coming up after this is going to be just a document with resources in it. It's going to have links to a lot of the things that were mentioned in this course. It's going to have PF downloads. I'm planning on it, on releasing more resources relating to this course. That's where it's going to be, in there. I'll make an announcement about that. So if you are here and you don't see a particular resource, stay tuned. You'll get that in your email if you subscribe. Anyways, the resources section is coming up next. And if you know of any good resources, if you find a good website or some other good tips,again, send me a message, leave it as a discussion. I'll add it to the resources section. So that's it. Thank you again, and I wish you the best of luck. I know that a lot of people don't like good luck. They don't need it. But I sincerely hope that this course helps you,that you pass this exam and that we see you again on the Part Two exam. So thanks a lot and have a pleasant day or evening.

Study with ExamSnap to prepare for The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Practice Test Questions and Answers, Study Guide, and a comprehensive Video Training Course. Powered by the popular VCE format, The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Certification Exam Dumps compiled by the industry experts to make sure that you get verified answers. Our Product team ensures that our exams provide The Open Group TOGAF 9 Certified Practice Test Questions & Exam Dumps that are up-to-date.

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