98-381 Microsoft Introduction to Python – Introduction to MTA 98-381 Exam and Python Programming Language

  1. Visual Studio Code

We have a lot of plugins that are available through a central repository. And the next thing is that this includes additions to the editor and language support. So I will download and instal the Visual Studio code. And if I want to write programmers with Python, I will add the Python plugin to my Visual Studio code. If I would like to write programmers in C or in CSARP, I will activate the appropriate plugins for C and C sharp. So let’s start and instal Visual Studio code. We would like to open an Explorer. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Indirect, Explorer, or Reds are all options. Google the Visual Studio code, download it, and set it up. And Voila, or as smartphones here say, Voila, not Voila.

  1. Installing Visual Studio Code

Now let’s try to open Google Chrome, type in the Visual Studio code, and download the Visual Studio code. This machine is running Windows 7. Of course, you can also try for macOS, Debian, Umbundu, Linux, General, whatever you might want. And I clicked on “download. Download started. If the download is not starting, of course, you can try this direct download link. Here you can see all these things that I have already told you about: intelligent code complexity, streamlined debugging, powerful editing with autocomplete lining, multicultural editing, parameter hints, and other powerful editing features. Of course, code navigation and entry factoring It is very, very important that you can browse your source code quickly using the Peak and Navigate definition.

And, of course, in product source control with SM support and Git integration. So here, you can see a lot of things. You can also see the most popular languages supported by Visual Studio code right here. Python Java, Azure, node JS, JavaScript, and Power Cell A plus Sharp TSQL Go. Python, and of course you can also see some useful instructions about how to start and take the first steps with Visual Studio code. Of course, after downloading the format, you can run it. I will choose the English language. I will try again, of course, in English, as you can see here. Next, I accept the agreement, and you can set it up wherever you might want. Visual Studio code I will click here to add the open with code action to the Windows Explorer file context menu.

In addition, I will click the second option to add “open with code action” to the Windows Explorer Directory context menu, and I will click “next” and “install,” because it is a light code editor that will not take long to install, unlike Visual Studio and Eclipse. So, fire up Visual Studio. And here you can see Visual Studio code. The first thing Visual Studio Code does after installation is try to locate git. So on my computer, I already have get installed. If you don’t have Git, it’s actually really easy to install it. You will go to Google.com. Additionally, it will type “download Git for Windows, Linux, or macros.” Whatever you might want, I will click here, I will download it, and then you can, of course, instal it.

So I will try to create an example for how you can use git. Because it is very important to know how to use git, especially if you are a developer in a project team or are actually developing a big project, And you should know how to develop each feature once at a time. So this is Visual Studio code. As I said, there are five tabs. As you can see, there is a search source Control, Debug and the extensions. In the extensions, you can see that you can actually add whatever you might want. Whichever language you might want I will instal Python right now.

So I typed Python. I will click on the first one you see. It’s really easy to instal the extension. Actually, you can see how it can be installed and what you can do as the first steps after installing Python. So Python is being installed right now. You can also choose other languages, like C or C#, or whatever you might want, and instal them. And after installing, you will be able to actually compile, debug, and run your program. So the first thing that you should know is how to instal all the extensions and plugins that you might need. And the second thing is that you will try to start a new project. And when starting a new project, you will see that you can define which language it will be written in in order to be compiled and start debugging. So here I click and start debugging, but the only environment that is already installed is Node JS. When Python is actually finished, I will have Python right there.

I think you can try and see a lot of things right here. One thing that I would like to show you is that if I try to type something and I can save it, you can see that you can actually click on the right extension. So if you want, for example, to create a Python program, I can type “hello program.” And you can see that the extension of these files is PY, which actually means Python. So here it is, the output. There is not a Git repository in this folder where I saved the hello programme file, but I can start debugging. And you can see that if I click more right now, I can reload Python so that Visual Studio code actually restarts. As you can see now that Python extensions are installed, Visual Studio code says that I also have to instal these two things.

So I just followed the instructions. And here it says that I should also download the Python compiler manually. So that is what I do after installing these languages. You can see that there is also a Python environment available right here. So I think this is an introduction to Visual Studio code. We will use it, and you will see many more things later while we’re going to develop our own projects and our own examples, and you will be ready to use this code editor and also other similar code editors like Atom or Notal. Plus plus. Thank you very much, and I look forward to seeing you in the next lesson.

  1. Introduction to Python

Hey, guys, welcome back. Now let’s start coding with Python and Visual Studio code. I started by creating a new file, and I will save this file with the name “hello, programme two.” Because you’ve already made one, make another. So I will name it “Hello, programme two.” I will put “PY” so that it will know that it’s a Python file. Or you can just select the appropriate language right here. It actually disappeared. So when I save this file, you will see that I can start writing code. And here is the autocomplete from the Visual Studio code.

Actually, I will write in print. Hello Python. Hello gold. So this is my first program. I would like Python to print hello, Python. Hello world. This is the method, and I’m going right here. You can right-click and actually select “run Python file” in the terminal. So when you click right here, you will see that here at the bottom, in the terminal tab noted at the debug console in the terminal, Python is executed. And your programme is also carried out.

So this is my message. Hello world. Hello student. I changed my message. Run the RAM Python file in the terminal once more. And as you can see, the message has also changed. So you will see that what I will do is actually invoke the interpreter with script parameters. So that begins the execution of the script and continues until the script is finished. Actually, we will proceed and begin by creating slightly more complex programs. So this was the first program, the first “hello world” program. We could go on with the next programme in the next lesson. I’m looking forward to Shiny in the next installment.

  1. Introduction to Programming & Sequence

When you write lines of code, you can control the order. These lines will be executed by the computer. The first one, the first one, is actually sequencing. The second one that we will see has to do with selection, and the third one has to do with iteration. So actually, sequencing means that the computer will run your code in order, one line at a time, from the top to the bottom of your program. It will begin with line one, then execute line two, then execute line three, and so on until it reaches the last line of your programme in the second selection here. Actually, sometimes you only want some lines of code to be run if a condition is met. Otherwise, you want the computer to ignore these lines and zap over them. This is achieved using if statements.

For example, if a condition is met, lines 4, 5, and 6 are executed. Otherwise, the computer jumps to line seven without even looking at lines 4, 5, and 6. The third one has to do with iteration. Sometimes you want the computer to execute the same lines of code several times. This is done using a loop. Loops are classified into three types: while loops, repeated loops, and loops that actually loop. That’s useful because it prevents you from having multiple copies of the same lines of code. So we will see the first one, which has to do with sequence.

What is a sequence? Sequence means that your computer will run your code in order, one line at a time, from the top to the bottom of your program. So it will start at line one, then execute line two, then line three, and so on, till it reaches the last line of your program. So we have the first command, the second command, and the third command. So actually, one of the three basic logic structures in computer programming has to do with sequence. The other two logic structures, as we saw in the previous slide, have to do with selection, iteration, and looping, actually. So in a sequence structure, an action or an event leads to the next action in a predetermined order. This is very important. So the sequence can contain any number of actions, but no action can be skipped in the sequence.

So the program, when run, must perform each action in order, with no possibility of skipping an action or branching off to another action. So all logic problems in programming can be solved by forming algorithms using only the three logic structures, and they can be combined in an infinite number of ways. The more complex the computing need, the more complex the combination of structures. So what is “sequence”? As we said, we will start at line one, then execute line two, then line three, and so on until we reach the last line of the program.

So our programme does not skip lines. People are smarter than computers because we can decide what actions we want a computer to carry out. And then we communicate in the language the computer understands in order to complete tasks. We call this language code and actually instruct the computer using specific commands. So if we try to give a definition, “sequence” is the order in which commands are executed by. A computer allows us to carry out tasks that have multiple steps in programming. Sequence is a basic algorithm, a set of logical steps carved out in order. Computers need instructions in the form of an algorithm in order to complete a desired task. And this algorithm must have the correct order of steps. So, for example, we can apply sequence to our daily lives. Think about making coffee as a task. If we want to make hot coffee, we need to follow multiple steps in a logical order. So we would begin by taking coffee, and then, as you can see, we could start our program.

Then we have the first step, which has to do with taking coffee. Then comes the third step, which has to do with putting coffee in the coffee maker. And then, actually, we have to do this, which is the fourth step, which is to push the on button. We have to put the coffee in a glass. The fifth step, and we’re done; we’ve got our coffee. So our programme ends. If we want a robot to make us coffee, we must give the robot the instructions in the correct order to avoid missing a step. So in programming, computers can only carry out tasks that are in the correct sequence.

Computers are machines, and they have to do things the way they were built to do them. Computers read in a certain order, similar to a typewriter, which can only go left to right and top to bottom. A computer has to read code in order If the sequence of the commands is incorrect, the computer won’t be able to follow the instructions. So why is sequence so important? It’s because if we don’t put every step in the right order in both programming and day-to-day tasks, the end result isn’t what we wanted. So sequence is the most foundational concept in programming, and everything we learn moving forward will build on this concept. As a result, sequence is critical. It’s the most foundational concept in programming. That’s it; we will go on with the variables.
