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PMI PMI-RMP Practice Test Questions, PMI PMI-RMP Exam Dumps

With Examsnap's complete exam preparation package covering the PMI PMI-RMP Practice Test Questions and answers, study guide, and video training course are included in the premium bundle. PMI PMI-RMP Exam Dumps and Practice Test Questions come in the VCE format to provide you with an exam testing environment and boosts your confidence Read More.



Hi, and welcome back again to a new section to be very short and simple. And we will be talking about the project manager role. So as per the PMI or the Project Management Institute, what are the competencies of the project manager and what's the exact role of the project manager? First of all, let's see the definition of the project manager. He's the person who's been assigned by the performing organisation to lead the team that's responsible for achieving the project objectives. So he's been assigned by the organisation for the purpose of leading the team and achieving the project objectives. This is the project manager. Now we have an operations manager responsible for ensuring that business operations are efficient. This is the operations manager, and we have a functional manager who focuses on providing management oversight for a functional or business unit, like the marketing manager or the human resources manager. This is an example of a functional manager. As a result, you should be familiar with the definitions of these terms and be able to differentiate between the scope for the operations functional or project manager. Thank you so much. I will see you in the next lecture.


So what is the project manager's field of influence? roles of the project manager in the various spheres of influence. These roles reflect the project manager's capabilities and are representative of the value and contributions of the project manager management profession. And for sure, the influence or the sphere of influence will start with the project itself. The project manager leads the project team to meet the project objectives and stakeholders' expectations. Simultaneously, he or she must balance competing constraints with limited resources. So this is the sphere of influence of the project manager within the project he is managing. He has to meet the project objectives and stakeholders' expectations. At the same time, he will be balancing the constraints with the limited resources available. The project manager also performs communication roles between the project sponsor, team members, and other stakeholders. So when it comes to the project manager swiftand phones, number one will be the project. Number two will be the organisation where the project is performed through proactive interaction with other project managers, other interdependent projects, or projects that are part of the same problem. The impact of the project manager and the organisation might have an effect on the demands for the same resources for different projects, priorities of funding, receipt or distribution of deliverables, andalignment of project goals and objectives with those of the organization. The third part of the influence will be the industry as the project manager takes information about current industry trends to see how they may impact current projects of the organization. Such trends include product and technology development,technical support tools, or economic forces that impact the immediate projects of the organization. So the sphere of influence of the project manager will affect the project, the organization, and the industry.


Hi, welcome back again. So what are the project manager's competencies? According to project management or an institute? The PMI applies the skills needed by the project manager through the use of the PMI talent triangle, which focuses on three key skill sets. As shown in this triangle, we have three key skill sets representing the PMI talent triangle. First of all, we have technical project management, which is the core key skill of the project manager. We have the strategic and business management expertise and, for sure, we have the leadership skills. So the PMI talent triangle includes project management, strategic and business management, and leadership as shown in this talent triangle. Technical project management skills are core to project and programme management. So the core skill would be technical project management. Project management and legal research indicate that they are insufficient in this increasingly complex and competitive global marketplace. Project managers and organisations are seeking additional skills in leadership and business intelligence. So let's start talking about technical project management: the knowledge, skills, and behaviours related to specific domains of project, program, and portfolio management. So this is the definition of the technical project management skills, knowledge, skills and behaviours related to a specific domain of project, programme and portfolio management. The ability to apply project management knowledge effectively in order to deliver the desired outcomes of a project or program. Examples of the technical project management skills include the focus on critical technical project management elements such as schedule, financial reports, and issue blogs. Being able to tailor both traditional and agile tools and methods for each project is invaluable. As a professional project manager, you should be able to deal with both the predictive and agile lifecycles and the tools associated with each lifecycle manageproject elements such as the schedule, budget, and resources. These are examples of technical project management. The second part of the triangle would be strategic and business management. For me, this skill is very important. It's the skill that will upgrade your career. If you are working as a project manager,you must have the business intelligence and strategic and business management skills to upgrade your career to the next level within the organization. So what is strategic and business management? It's the ability to see a high-level overview of the organisation and effectively negotiate and implement decisions and actions that support strategic alignment and innovation. This ability may include a working knowledge of other functions such as finance, marketing, and operations. You cannot only focus on project management. You must have knowledge of finance, marketing, and other operations. At the minimum, the project manager should be knowledgeable enough to explain the organization's aspects such as the strategy, missions, goals, and products. This is the minimum. The business and strategic factors which should be considered for the project include the risk and issues, the financial implications of the organisation, the cost versus benefit analysis, the business value and the benefits realization. The third part of the triangle will be the leadership skills. Skills and behaviours to guide, motivate, and direct others to help an organisation achieve its business goals. So it's your ability as a project manager to guide, motivate, and direct the project team's leadership skills. They are about dealing with people and getting things done. Those are the leadership skills at a high level. What are the qualities and skills of a leader that might include? First of all, being a generic for your team, collaborative, positive and optimistic. You are good at problem solving, critical thinking, team building, and focusing on the important things. This is the PMI talent triangle. Thank you so much. I will see you at the next lecture.


Part of the leadership skills of the project manager are politics, power, and getting things done. So what's the power? The project manager can have powers that are often supported by other people's perceptions of the leader. Various forms of power may include, first of all, the positional power that is gained or granted in the organisation from the position, such as the position of being the CEO or the position of being the project manager. This gives the person assigned to this position formal authority. We call it positional power. "The reference power respect or admiration that others hold for an individual. This will make this individual the reference point. It comes from respect for others, like the project manager's skills, experience, training, education, and certification. Being an expert will give you expert power. It's one of the best forms of power as this power will stay with you whenever you are working or wherever you are working. It's not gained from your position within the organization. Reward-oriented Power is the ability to give praise or other desired items. Relational power participates in networking and connection. You will have relationship power if you are a project manager who participates in networking with other team members and connections. We have a person who comes from charm or attraction in the personality of the project manager. For the exam, expect to see questions about the forms of power a project manager can have for the exam. The question might describe a case or situation in the project and will ask you what form of power the project manager has. So we have the positioner, the referendum,the expert, reward-oriented, relational and personal. Now, project managers may lead their teams in different ways. The style a project manager selects may be a personal preference or affected by other factors such as environmental and organisational practice. Leadership styles may include a lot of leadership styles. I'm going to discuss five or six here in this lecture. For more, you can refer to the PM book. I'm here discussing the different leadership styles. First of all, we have the racism, allowing the team to make their own decisions and establish their own goals. So you're delegating authority and empowering your team members to make their own decisions and set their own goals. To stem my rewards, I use transactional focus on goals, feedback, and achievement. Management by Exception This is one of the most commonly used leadership styles. The transaction where the manager will focus only on goals, feedback, and accomplishments in order to determine the rewards. A female management principle is management by exception. It means that you will allow your team members to manage the project and you will give them an exception. Once this exception is accused, they will refer back to the higher management like I'm allowing my team. If there is any variation or change order with an impact of less than ten dollars, don't refer back to me. So for any change order with an impact of less than $10,000, they will not refer back to me. Once a change order is fused with more than $10,000, this is an exception. They refer back to the hired management The servantleader leadership style is very famous in the Agile Project Lifecycle or Agile Development lifecycle, demonstrating a commitment to serve and put other people first. focuses on other people's growth, learning, and development, empowering followers through idealised attributes and behaviors. Inspirational and motivational individual consideration number five: we have the charismatic ability to inspire your people. You have high energy, are very self-confident and hold strong conviction. For more leadership styles, you might prefer to go back to the PM box. Here are the five most commonly used styles. Thank you so much. I'll see you at the next lecture.


So what are the differences between the management and the leadership? Management is more concerned with directing another person to get from one point to another using a well-known set of expected behaviors. This is the exact essence of management. Getting a person from one point to another using a well-known set of expected behaviors,while leadership involves working with others, I am not directing, only working with others through discussion or debate in order to guide them from one point to another. So leaders work with others and discuss with them how to move from one point to another. Project managers need to employ both leadership and management in order to be successful. What are the major differences? The management's direct use of positional power Why? Relational leadership is what's using relational power.Usually, managers maintain the systems they have. Why? The leaders develop the systems and structures for the managers, while the latter focus on relationships with people in the project team. The management relies on control, while the leaders inspire trust. Those are the major differences between management and leadership. What you need to know is that the project manager needs to employ both leadership and management skills in order to be successful and have his or her position. Thank you. I will see you at the next lecture.

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