ASQ Six Sigma Green Belt – Blockchain 101 Part 3

  1. Deploy and Test Apps

Diagrams show the relationship between two or more groups. So how does matrix diagrams look like? Let’s look at one example which is here, which is L shaped matrix. So if you look at this matrix, this matrix is related to the body of knowledge for an ASQ exam, where we have six sections, section 123456. These are sections. And now what we want to do is we want to list down these things on different parameters. Let’s say difficulty level.

Section one is having a difficulty level of one. That means it’s low difficulty. That means it’s an easy section. Section two is difficult. So the rating has been given as five. So all these ratings are on the scale of one to five. Similarly, conceptual knowledge, statistical knowledge and business application. So these are the four parameters on which we want to see each of these six sections. And we assign a rating of one to five. So this gives us a very good visual indication about each of these sections.

That what does these sections involve, how much is the difficulty, how much is the conceptual knowledge involved in that? What’s the level of statistical knowledge involved in that? And is there any business application for that section or not? So this gives a very nice presentation related to each of these sections. So visually, this might look something similar to what we talked earlier, which was prioritization matrices. But the purpose is different.

When we talk about prioritization matrices, we were trying to prioritize which project to go for, which car to go for. And there we had the importance given to each of these. We did multiplication, we found out one number and based on that, we decided that we want to go with the project number one or we want to buy the car number three here. That’s not the purpose. So it just shows the relationship between the section and various aspects related to that section, which involves difficulty conceptual knowledge, statistical knowledge and business application.

This is what the purpose is, not to find out that which section we go for. Here, if you see, this is an L shaped matrix. So as we go further, we will see different shapes. But here, if you look at this, this is an L shaped matrix. So if I turn this 90 degrees, so this will exactly form the L shape. So what other shapes of matrices we have? Let’s look at one more shape which is T shaped matrix. Here you see, if I turn it around by 90 degrees, this will form a T.

So what is the difference between L shaped matrix and T shaped matrix? In L shaped matrix we were seeing relationship between two things, two parameters. Here what we can see is here we can see the relationship between three parameters. So here this is related to car. So here I have list of pickup, look, efficiency and comfort. And on the other hand, what’s the result of this, the result of this is more sales, compliance, returns. And here I have these cars on X axis. So now looking at this, I see two relationship here instead of what we see was one relationship in L shaped matrix. So here I see the relationship between the product and the product characteristics and I see the relationship between the product and sales.

So let’s say if I look at this, this shows that product number three has high efficiency, high pickup, high good look and good comfort. And then that results into higher sale. Because here the rating is five and it has less complaints and less returns. So this was T shaped matrix. But what we don’t see here is relationship between these two things. The relationship between sale, complaints and returns versus the characteristic of that car. This relationship is missing here. If I add that as well, then this will become a Y shaped matrix. So the same t matrix. Now I have converted to Y matrix by adding the relationship between these two things. Return components and sales versus efficiency, pickup, look and comfort. So if I add values related to that, this will become Y shaped matrix. Generally, you don’t find Y shaped matrix because this becomes a little bit confusing. T shaped matrix still makes good sense. You can easily understand why it becomes slightly difficult to understand. But for example, if I want to add the relationship between sale and many of other parameters. So, sale versus efficiency, yes, there’s a good relationship. So I will put number five here, sale versus pickup is good. So I will put five here. If look is good, sale is good.

Let’s say let’s put five here as well and same thing with the comfort. So anything, if I have a better efficiency, better pick up, better look, better comfort, that will lead to more sales. But what about returns? Comfort doesn’t have any relationship with returns. So let’s put one. Similarly, you can put all these numbers to make it Y shaped matrix. So after Y shaped matrix, where we were seeing relationship between three things, now we move to the next level of matrix which is x shaped matrix. Here we are seeing relationship between four things.

So, what we did earlier was in T matrix, we just had this portion, this was T matrix. If I added one more thing here, one more parameter, now I can have relationship between four things here and the next one is a roof shaped matrix. And you would have seen this matrix in quality, function deployment as well. Here we are looking at how we are meeting customer requirements and how these are connected with each other. So this becomes a roof shaped matrix. In the previous example, when we were talking about efficiency, pickup, look and comfort, how these things are related to each other, we can draw a roof shaped matrix for that as well. So let’s put it here.

This will be a roof shaped matrix for the characteristics of that car. Efficiency versus pickup. Let’s say if you want to look at efficiency versus pickup, if you have higher pickup, then your efficiency will go down. So let’s say we can put value two here and so on. Other way to look at that is what we did in QFD. Putting relationship in the form of plus plus and minus, that there is a negative relationship, or there’s a positive or there’s a very strong positive relationship here. What we did in QFD was efficiency. What is pickup? I would have put minus here because this is a negative relationship between efficiency.

  1. Demo Metamask

What we have here in PDPC is we want to identify what might go wrong in our plan. And if you remember earlier, this is what we did in FMEA as well in Failure Mode and Effects Analysis we were trying to find out what all could go wrong and we wanted to address that first to prioritize those and then address those. That’s what we did in FMEA. Similar thing we do in PC PDPC as well. So what you do in PDPC is you start with a tree diagram and we have talked about tree diagram earlier. So you start with that and then you add two more levels to that. That’s it. And these two levels are what could go wrong and what are the countermeasures to address that issue. That’s it. So you draw the tree diagram and then you add two more levels of information, what could go wrong and how to address that. So let’s look at an example of PDPC or the Process Decision Program chart.

So, here is the example. If you look at first three columns, this is something which we have talked earlier in three diagram where we were talking about passing an exam and for passing an exam, what we need is motivation books, videos and we looked at various options. So this is something which we have done earlier. If I put a line here, this is the tree diagram which we have talked earlier. Now, what we have done is we have added two more levels of information, what could go wrong and countermeasures. So I have not done for every of these branches, so I’ve done for some of the branches to just to demonstrate that, let’s say in motivation, one of the issue was financial support and what could go wrong.

Okay, something could go wrong was that your organization doesn’t want to support you in this exam. They don’t want to provide financial support for taking training or paying fee to ASQ. So if organization doesn’t support that’s, what could go wrong? And then what you do as a result of that, the countermeasure would be okay, you will decide that I will self finance this training and the exam fee. Similarly, if we look at videos, so you need some videos and some audio to understand concept. One of the options was go to YouTube and look at all YouTube videos to understand the body of knowledge. So what could go wrong here? That there is too much of information.

Now, how to deal with that, how to deal with that? The countermeasure is you do a detailed research and make a list of topics and you plan what you want to study. And the second option is watch too many videos. If there are too many videos, I will watch too many videos. These are two countermeasures and then the next step, what you want to do is you want to see that which is practical countermeasure and which is not practical which is impractical. Let’s say watching more videos is not practical. So we put a cross mark against that. Anything which is practical, we put O against that. Now, looking at this, you know what’s your objective? Your objective is to pass the ASQ exam. And these are the countermeasures. What could go wrong? So now you have everything in front of you. What could go wrong, what actions you want to take? So whole planning is on the single sheet. So this is PD, PC or the Process Decision Program charts.

  1. Objective – Value Creation

So here in this video I will quickly skip through some of the key aspects but we have already covered this in project management basics. So the purpose of activity network diagrams is to manage number of tasks in sequence. So what you do is you list down all the tasks, task number ABC or maybe you want to put description, you put description of that, put the time for each of these tasks, then identify what is is the predecessor and what is the successor. And just to recap, predecessor is something which you do first and then that will lead to the successor. Predecessor is putting the foundation for the house successor is putting the wall so before putting the wall you need to have foundations and then once you have drawn this network diagram then you identify the bottlenecks. The bottleneck here is called as critical path because that is the path on which there is no scope of delay if you delay any activity on that critical path the whole project will get delayed.

Here I have some key definitions one related to float and second related to critical path. Float is the amount of time that a network activity can be delayed without causing a delay and the critical path is where the float is zero. We have talked about this as well and now quickly look at one of the network activity diagram which we created earlier. So here is the one which we created earlier based on these five activities activity ABCD and E and each of these activity taking two days, four days, one day, etc. And based on this information, we found out what is the early start, early finish, late start, late finish. And based on these four numbers, we calculated float. And all the activities which have zero float, they come on the critical path. So any activity which has zero float, you cannot delay that. Because delaying that activity will delay the project. So this is something which we have already done.
