PL-100 Microsoft Power Platform App Maker – Power Automate components Part 2

  1. 56. Share flows

In this video we’re going to look at how we can share flaws. And it’s a bit more complicated than it might first appear. So let’s have a look at this Twitter language count. Suppose I wanted to share it, or the obvious place is to go to the share icon just here. So let’s do that. Or you can click on the dot dot and go to share here. So that gets you to this screen. So you can add people as owners. Now, you must have a paid plan to be able to share. If I go to my developer plan and try and share, then it invites me to have a free 90 day trial. So owners, you can select who you want owners to be. So users must be in your organization’s directory. They can become owners.

They can therefore view the run history, manage properties such as starting the Floor, stopping the Floor, adding owners and updating connection credentials. They can edit the Floor definition. You can add or remove owners, but you can’t remove the creator. And you can also delete floors. So you can see owners of the Floor will have full access to all connections in the Floor and the content. So do be careful when adding people as owners.

You can also add SharePoint lists as core owners of the Floor. Core owners have edit access and you can also remove users in the same way. Now, don’t be too worried about the connections. Yes, they’ll be able to do everything that the Floor can do and you’ll be able to edit the Floor definition so you can change what it does. However, connections can only be used in the shared app and credentials in shared connections cannot be viewed. So there is a little bit of things that they can’t do.

But basically, if you give them your Twitter connection, it’s like giving them your username and password in the sense that they can take a floor and they can alter the Floor and do what they want with it. So where else can you share? Well, if I go back to my particular floor, I can click on the dot dot. I can go down to Details right at the bottom. So we have my owners over here, my connections here, details and run history. But over here we’ve got run only users.

So these are people who can use their own connection credentials or you can use yours. So we can click on edit run only users. And here we go. So we can invite people to be able to run this Floor and see the contents, but not edit in any way. So maybe I want the Twitter account to be provided by me, but I want to have notifications being provided by the run only user.

So it can also delete users access in the same way. So as I said before, users must be in your organizational directory. You can also send a copy of the floor to somebody. So again, if you go to a floor, if you click on the and we go down to details again, you can send a copy at the top. Now do be careful. Copies cannot be recalled once they have been sent. So if I send some copy of a floor, they will receive an email with a Create My floor button and it will also be in the templates shared with me section. Now, you can also share in the same way using the mobile app.

So any end recipients will need to go to the Buttons tab and click Get More or new buttons or Available banner to add them to the Buttons tab and you can remove users access in exactly the same way. So that is how we can share flaws. We can do it by sharing and making people owners or co owners, including SharePoint Lists. Or we can go down to the Details and we can add run only users. Run only users. You can decide they have to provide their own connections or you can provide the connections with owners.

They will use your connection. What else can you do with flaws? By the way? You can see the run history, you can see analytics, you can export them as a zip. So that’s another way of sending a copy you can turn off. So in other words, that doesn’t delete it, it just stops it from running and you can delete it if you wish. So this is how you can share flaws. Either click this Share button or go down to Details and add run only users. And if you click on the edit next to the owners, that takes you back to where we were previously. So this is sharing flaws.

  1. Describe use cases for desktop flows

In this video we’re going to have a look at another type of floor. And this is not a cloud floor. Instead it’s a desktop floor. And you can see this from Create desktop floor. Now if I click on this, you can see that you can create desktop floors for no additional cost using a Power Automate desktop app. So I’m going to launch the app, but nothing happens because I haven’t actually downloaded did it. So it’s a bit odd that allows me to launch an app that I haven’t actually got.

So I’m downloading the app. So you can see it takes a couple of minutes. Now, you will need windows ten or windows eleven for this. Now you may see the terminology RPA. That is robotic process automation. You may also see attended RPA. So attended robotic process automation. So those are some of the acronyms you might see. And you might also see it in the licensing agreement as well.

So here we’ve got a per user plan with Attended Robotic Process Automation, right? It’s now downloaded. So I will just click on this. Now part of the reason why it’s going to be really short explanation is because we don’t actually need to know how to do it, we just need to know when to use it. So we’ll click on Next and that’s all fine. Agree to the Microsoft Terms of Use, click Install, allow for the app to make changes to your device and in about 30 seconds it installed.

So two more steps before you start automating. You can install the Power automated extension in either Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, or you could just launch the app. So I’m just going to click on Launch and it opens up separately. So I need to sign in. So I’ll enter my email address and sign in, and enter my password and sign in. So we get to this screen and it says that you don’t have any desktop floors. So click new floor to get started. So this is my Power Automate desktop floor. Click Create and we got used to all of these styles that we got over here.

But this is the real thing. You can see on the left hand side what you can do things with. So you can do things with folders, get files and folder, get subfiles, get subfolders, empty folder, copy folder. So you can manipulate files which are on your desktop. You can copy files, move files, delete files, rename files. And you can do all of this while having loops like for each loop, or an infinite loop, or specified number of times loop. You can wait for something to happen. So maybe you can wait for text on screen to be Ossiad Optical Character Recognition. In other words, turning a picture into text. You can run applications, you can log off users.

And if I scroll down, we can do things with the web like download from Web. We can select tabs in Windows. We can unzip files, we can launch Excel, we can read from an Excel workbook, we can use these invariables, we can open SQL Connections, we can launch Outlook and respond to Outlook messages. So we can drag all of these actions up here, but we can also launch a desktop recorder to capture these actions. So, let’s do that. And I have a new screen over here which will allow me to record. So if I click on Record and I open up a Windows Explorer and go to a particular place.

So I’m doing this off screen, I’m now doing it on screen to get to the particular place. And I select a couple of files and you can see things are happening down here. So drag A-U-L UI element, a user interface element, and drop it into a number folder. It’s even recording when I pause my video. So I’ll click finish on this, and here you can see my actions have been translated into all of these different actions. And here I can then modify. And if I want to do it again, then what I can do is click on Run and it does all of these things. So let’s just stop all of that.

But you can see the things that it was going to do. Now, Microsoft’s own website shows that you can record desktop and web actions in a single floor. You can then edit them, organize your floors logically, you can use some pre boat actions with websites and other systems. You can put in exception handling, so if there are any errors, and you can review the logs to see if you’re successful or not. So what can you use this for? Well, maybe you want to organize your documents with file and folder action. So we’ve seen a list of various file and folder actions.

Maybe you want to extract items from the web and put it into Excel. Maybe however, you want to access a Weber website and see tomorrow’s forecast and email it to yourself. Or maybe extract information from vendors invoices. So this allows you to do what the cloud flaws can do, but a fair bit more. However, you can see it’s perhaps a bit more difficult to use. Certainly it’s not as easy to be able to do certain things, but then you are dealing with much more. Perhaps you’re dealing with Windows, for instance, and you want to click on a particular area.

Well, that requires a bigger interface. So this is Power Automate desktop. It allows me to record what’s on my desktop, what’s happening, what’s happening on my web browser, and then be able to say, this is what you’ve done, do you want to run it again? Do you want to modify it? And other things like that. So that is the power automate desktop floor.


