98-365 – Microsoft MTA Windows Server 2008 – Interesting Features and Labs

  1. Windows Server 2016 – Technical Preview – First Tests

Windows 720, 16 Yes, I am that old. I recall Windows 7 2000 and 2003. I did my MCSA and MCSE on Windows 2003. And now, yes, we are going to see Windows 720 16. Well, it is not the final version. It is a preview. But it is good enough to give it a go. And I have VirtualBox ready.

I want to put Windows Server 2016, and then yes, I want to join a PC to the domain. Make sure that everything is okay. You can see a link with some features of Windows Server 2016. I hope I will add more lectures to COVID on the server later on. But I want to wait for the final version. Now. It is to show you that, yes, it is available. You can download it for free. Give it a go. Play with it. It is a great way to learn. So here we go. I have VirtualBox open, and we can start installing Windows Seven 2016.Let’s create a new virtual machine now. That’s fine. Let’s change it. Let’s create a new hard disc file.

And now I have the image ready. So I will add it to VirtualBox, and we can start installing Windows Seven 2016.Okay, here we go. Yes, we are ready to go. No, I don’t have a key. Let’s skip it for now. You can see a few options. I want to go for this one. Okay. And that’s it. Let’s see how it goes. Here we go. It is a good sign. We can see. Yes. Okay, let’s see if I can log in now. Okay, awesome. Yes. It appears to be windows. Ten. Now the most important place, of course, is the server manager. We want to go there. And yes, I have one more virtual machine in the same land. I want to add it to this domain. So first we have to add a role. There’s nothing new here. I hope you’re okay with everything here. It is the same or very similar to Windows 7 (2008–2012). Okay, first let’s change the name. because it is just a really long, random name that we get. Let’s change the name. And now we can add a new role.

We want to make this an active directory server and, of course, our domain controller. Just a standard set of questions as far as I can tell. There’s nothing special in here. Here we go. It is done. Now we need an IP address because I want to join a PC to this domain. So let’s put a static IP address on Windows Server 2016 and my test PC. Okay, I am connected to my test PC now. It is Windows 8.1, to be more specific. And now we can add it to the domain.

Let’s wait. Okay, any ideas why it happened? Any ideas? Any ideas? Well, let’s check our DNS settings. Here we go. We have to tell our Windows 8 PC. Okay, here is your server that you can use for DNS. and you can find your local domain over there. Let’s try again. That’s better. Now. Well, it seems to be working. So far, no problems. I know it’s a really basic lab, but still, it’s good to start with a lab like this because I want to make sure everything’s okay. I will add more lectures and videos. I will cover more features of Windows Server 2012 and especially 2016 when Microsoft decides to create a final version of it. Okay, our PC is visible under Active Directory users and computers. Good.

  1. NEW! Windows 10 and Windows Server 2008 – Test

Windows 10 and Windows Server 2008 Windows 10 is out, and I decided to test it out and see how it works. with Windows Server 2008. I am going to use VirtualBox. I’ll show you a few options. It is a free tool. You can put it on your PC for free and play with it. If you want to get more features, then you can go for VMware Workstation. There is a free version for VMware as well. Here. I am going to use VirtualBox. I have not configured anything yet. I want to, in a way, keep it alive, and we’ll see how it goes. I have Windows Seven 2008 and Windows Ten.

There are no product keys. It is just to test it for a few minutes and then remove it from my system. We’ll see how it goes. Maybe I will put a simple GPO in place and see how Windows 10 behaves. Let’s start with some IP addresses, because we don’t have an IP address. And in VirtualBox, it is isolated. There is no access to the Internet. If you go to settings > network, it is an internal network. It means that it is isolated. There is no access to the Internet.

You can achieve this option. If you choose not, then you can allow the server to access the Internet. Let’s go for an IP address, then. I don’t need a default gateway. should be fine. Thank you. Okay. I cannot ping it. I can ping myself. I hope my keyboard is not for you. Give me a moment. Okay. I can ping myself. Any ideas? It might be the firewall. Let’s disable it and see how it goes. Not working. Let’s do the same thing on Windows 10. Here we go. That’s wrong. I said I would keep it live. I do it from time to time. I love to teach using life’s examples. Here we go. Yeah, it’s working.

Okay, cool. Okay, it looks good. Let’s go back and show you this option again. It is my internal network, and it has to match on both virtual machines. You can name it, but I just left all options open. Looks good. Now. Windows Seven 2008 There are no roles, features, or anything else. We have to do something about it. Allow me to move the window so you can see it. What do we want? Of course, we want this server to be our domain controller.

We want to run Active Directory. Join us on the domain. We are ready. You know the drill. I’m not going to explain everything here. It is a lab that, in a way, summarises everything that we have done so far. I’m not going to change anything here. I just want to confirm that, yes, we do want a DNS server. I want to make sure I am running the professional version of Windows. because it is Windows 10 Professional. You will not be allowed to join Windows XP Home 7810 to the domain. Okay, I will make everything ready so I can just click OK in a couple of minutes. Ready. Let’s reboot our server now. The server is going up. Let’s change the name as well. Here. Let’s call it Windows 10.

Almost ready. Our plan is to first join this Windows TenPC to the domain, and then we’ll see how it behaves. We’ll create a test user login, create a test GPO, and see how it works. Okay, what’s the problem? It’s DNS. I said ABC Local, and my PC says I have no idea what ABC Local is. In most cases, you have to fix it. You have to make sure that you have a valid DNS server pointing to your Active Directory domain controller. I stated that I would keep it operational but would not make it the default gateway. Well, we can keep it. Doesn’t matter.

DNS. It doesn’t matter. What about now? Come on. Windows Ten. Yeah. Okay. Awesome. We’ll have to reboot. Okay, here, let’s create a test user. Let’s create a new OU. And here, let’s create a new test user. Okay, I have to switch the user now. Awesome. It looks good to me. Cool. Now that we have our test OU, let’s create a test GPO. Right click. We develop a new GPO test. Windows Ten GPOedits, I know, will block access to the control panel. I think it’s pretty easy to do. Enable it; make sure I can access it. It’s the easiest way to test it, and we’ll see how it goes. Windows 10 is ready. I’m logging in at the moment. Ah, here we go. Awesome. You can see it on your screen at the moment. Windows 10 has been added to the domain, and we can see the GPO has been applied. Awesome. Thank you very much.
