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Microsoft 98-349 Practice Test Questions, Microsoft 98-349 Exam Dumps

With Examsnap's complete exam preparation package covering the Microsoft 98-349 Practice Test Questions and answers, study guide, and video training course are included in the premium bundle. Microsoft 98-349 Exam Dumps and Practice Test Questions come in the VCE format to provide you with an exam testing environment and boosts your confidence Read More.

Understanding operating system configurations

7. Important Tools

How to manage your device running Windows XP. We know a lot about Windows XP. Now we have to focus on some tools and options that you can use if you want to configure options and things that are running in the background at the moment. There is one command that you have to memorise it.It is Ms. Fig. This tool has been with us for ages, but it is a crucial tool for every single Windows administrator. First of all, you have general options, not that important. For instance, you can say boot insave mode and bypass some options. It's not that important. And the mod was more popular a few years ago when, for instance, people had Windows,let's say, Seven and Linux or Windows XP and Windows Seven running on the same partition. Now the most important thing is service and startup services, which is a list of services that are loaded with your operating system. You can hide Microsoft services; it is a good thing. And then you can see services that are not related to Microsoft. I don't have any applications over here, so I will open this on my local PC, which is Windows ten as well, and we'll see if we can see anything over here. Services hidden. Here we go. OK, it's much better here. Please note there is one service from Firefox, one from Malwarebytes,a really nice application to make sure you have no viruses on your device drivers for my graphics card, Bluetooth, and soon Google, and you may say no, I don't want this one to be enabled to go away. Now when it comes to startup, we can see here. We can open Task Manager and see again. Maybe I will use my local PC, which will be much better. Here we go. Okay, so maybe I don't want Logitech Download Assistant. No, I don't want that, and actually I don't. So just go away. Disable I don't want this application to start with my operating system. No, go away. Please note: where can we start? The command prompt should be here. Here we go. Okay, And you say, "Yeah, just open it." Please note that it shows you the command that you have to type. So, do you remember task manager?Here we go. Why not programmes and the like? Let's see what Windows will tell us about itself. Here we go. Okay, Microsoft Windows certified user .

8. Other Features and Tools

Windows Ten is designed for a desktop PC and, of course, for a laptop, but you can find some options for mobile devices as well. One of them is the Windows Mobility Center. I don't have it over here because it is a desktop PC, but I will show you a couple of screenshots of how you can enable it. The idea is that, well, you type Windows Mobility Center. It is available on the laptop only. This means that if you have a desktop PC, you can't find this option and then you can see options that are really important for a laptop, like brightness, mute battery life, and sync options. Yeah, nothing fancy here, just a really nice addon for a mobile device like a laptop Sync Center. If we go to our test device and type sync, here we go. And please note that this is what I've mentioned a couple of times already. You need an online account to take advantage of many features of Windows ten, and of course, one of them is do you want to synchronise your settings? So if you want to make a backup,this is what I do with my phone. I have an online account and then all my, let's say, contacts, emails, and so on go to The same applies to your Windows PC and you can tweak what you want to sync. Let's say theme, Internet Explorer, settings, passwords, nothing critical here. It is up to you. I recommend you use a better solution for your backups. There are a lot of options available out there. Of course you should have, let's say, a USBdrive or a cloud solution like OneDrive, Dropbox, Idrive, and so on to sync your files. If you want to make a backup of your operating system, I recommend you go for something that will actually clone your hard disc and allow you to recover if something goes wrong. The last option is Remote Desktop. Please note that I am running a RemoteDesktop Connection session at the moment. You can ask, what does it mean? Well, I am recording on a desktop PC at the moment, and actually my virtual machine is somewhere else. I want to connect to my Windows Virtual Machine remotely, and you can achieve it using Remote Desktop Protocol and Remote Desktop Connection. You type Remote and you can open this application from here. Again, with remote desktop connection, this is the screen. The Remote Desktop Protocol is the protocol that is behind this application. It uses port 3389 and one really important thing: you can open Remote DesktopConnection from any version of Windows Ten. However, you can RDP into Windows 10, Pro and above. This means that if you have Windows TenHome, you cannot RDP into your PC. I'll show you. When I go to this PC, right click, go to Properties, and change Settings Remote. Please note that I have settings to enable Remote Desktop. Now, If you have Windows ten Home, you don't have this option. Yes, this is why you need Windows Ten Pro or above to enable this option. Please note it is disabled by default. You have to enable it here and this means that we can RDP We can connect remotely to this device from another PC. It doesn't work over the internet very well because you have to tweak your firewall It's not designed to open any connections to the internet directly, like, for instance, Team Viewer. Not sure if you've heard about this remote tool Team Viewer allows you to connect to a device behind a firewall, so you don't have to configure anything RDP is designed to work in your local area network. You don't really have an easy way to connect to a PC that is, let's say, in your office. If you're at home, of course, it is possible you can configure your firewall. It is not recommended even though RDP is not the best protocol out there when it comes to security. It's not that bad. You should use something that is called VPN (Virtual Private Network). It's beyond our discussion if you want to learn more. Let me know. I can help you show some links and courses that you can take if you want to learn more about VPNs. The idea is that you have to know how to enable RDP One tip you can type is MSTCto open RDP Yeah, when I click it opens, I don't have to type remotely. What's more, Check it out. If I type MSC, it is going to recognise that you want Remote Desktop Connection.

9. Management Tools

Windows ten management instruments We go back to our virtual machine. We go to start and we type MMC, Microsoft Management Console. We go for file add, add, and remove snapping.You will see a really long list of snappings that you can add and they will allow you to manage your local PC. For instance, we've seen Event Viewer already. Let's add that one PC and let's say this one. Okay? So now I can access my Event Viewer logs, application security system and so on. And I can go for computer management as well. I can access system tools. I can access storage options. There is a really nice option to manage your discs over here. And again, I can access services and applications. Here we go. I can right click here and go through all the tasks here, stop, restart, and so on. What's more, if you like this option, you can save it, save us, and then reopen it straight away. You don't have to go and get it every time you need it. You can save it and then double-click to open it. Another option that you have is the CMD command line interface. We've seen it already. We go to run and type CMD. I showed you the IP config. But there is something better than CMD. It's called PowerShell. Windows PowerShell It is like the command line interface, CMD, but it is more sophisticated and allows you to create advanced scripts. You can use all of the commands available in the command prompt. For example, ipconfig. Let me change the size so you can see it better. Okay, that's better. Another example, I can say I can get timezone and I can verify my time zone. I have one more command that I found online. Let me just copy it for you. I will open it on my local PC. Now this command lets me show you the full command. It allows you to verify your operating system details. It shows your OS name. You can see Windows 10 Pro, you can see the CPU,you can see the model name, Intel, and so on. And hot fixes as well. Updates Now, PowerShell allows you to script whatever you want. You can automate things on your local PC. Of course, it is a more advanced option. And for home users now, forget about it. You will never use it. But in a corporate environment when you have a lot of devices, you will try and use Powershell every day to speed up everything that you do. It's much faster and much easier. And if you go for a Microsoft exam like MTA or MCSA, especially when it comes to Windows Server, they will ask a lot of questions about PowerShell. Yes, because it is not enough to have a mouse on the keyboard. Now you have to know how to script everything. This is what Microsoft wants you to know as well.

Installing and upgrading client systems

1. Editions of Windows 10

Windows operating system fundamentals, Chapter Two: Installing and Upgrading Client Systems. Let's start with the first topic. We have to identify Windows operating system additions and talk about system requirements. We have to know what we have to have on our laptop, on our desktop, on our server to install Windows XP. If you want to take the NDA exam, I know what you're going to say. Well, you keep saying the same thing, "Oh, it's important." Yeah, we know it's important. Well, please forgive me. From time to time, I will stress it again. This is something that appears on any idea exam. When it comes to system requirements and additions, please be prepared to answer a question from this section. When it comes to Windows editions, we have a lot of options to choose from. You can see in bold that the two main versions that have been with us for ages are Home and Pro. And when it comes to the Home version, it is something that, in most cases, you receive with a laptop or a desktop PC, and it is designed for a home user. There are some differences, and we'll talk about them in a moment. When it comes to the Pro version, the professional version of Windows Ten, it is designed for a corporate network. If you buy a laptop and want to connect it to a domain to something in your company, you will most likely have Windows 7, 2012, 2016, and so on. And the main difference is that when you buy the Professional version of Windows 10, you can join this PC to the domain. This means that your laptop is going to be managed by your server. With the home version, you can't do it. I'm pretty sure you remember our discussion about the RDP Remote Desktop Protocol. And one of the things that I showed you was how to enable RDP. Do you remember? So when we go to change settings, we go to Remote. You will see that we can enable Remote Desktop because we are running, in this case, the Enterpriseversion of our Windows Ten operating system. And that's fine. When you have the Home version,you don't have RDP in place. Here we go. Okay, so we have Home Pros, which is a pretty limited version that was designed, for instance,for Microsoft Surface devices and so on. I think I read about it a couple of days ago that you can upgrade from the S version to Homeland Pro. I'll show you a table in a moment that summarises all the differences. And here you have a couple of links that you can use. Then, when it comes to enterprise mobile education, there are more additions, but these are the main ones that you have to memorize. There are really special editions designed when it comes to enterprise. In most cases, you can go to Microsoft. Let's say you have a company with 10,000 users. Of course, you will not go out and buy 100 Pro versions of Windows 10.

You will go to Microsoft and say, "Dear Microsoft, I have 100 users." What can we do about it? Well, we can give you the enterprise license, and then you can use this licence for X number of users. The same for mobile devices and education. Let's say you have a school and, of course, you have a lot of laptops. If you want to use Windows 10 on all these devices, then Microsoft can offer a special licence for you. Here we go. Here is a nice link that you can use to compare the main two versions of Windows ten: home and pro. As you can see, all the basics are the same when it comes to user experience and security. One distinction exists between BitLocker and BitLocker allows you to encrypt your hard disk. And it's really nice because it's built into Windows. Now it is available in Windows Pro. It used to be like Windows.

It was not available in Windows Pro. For instance, for Windows Seven. Now they allow you to encrypt your disc using Windows Ten Pro. But if you have a Windows computer, you cannot use Bitcoin. You cannot encrypt your hard disk. Are there more games? Of course, the same And then we have business and some additional features. Of course, I will not read everything. One of the things that is worth mentioning is Group Policy.This is what I mentioned a couple of minutes ago. You can join a Windows 10 PC to the domain. This means that you have a server that is responsible for everything that is going on in your company. Also, your server can apply special policies. It's called group policy. And of course, you need the Pro version of Windows 10 to apply these policies. And if you have Home, you can't have Group Policy objects. Okay, and some additional options remote desktop (please note that we've covered this already). It is on the list as well. It's not true that you can't use it well. You cannot RDP into the Home version of Windows Ten, but that's what they mean here. You cannot RDP into the home version. Client HyperV We'll talk about virtualization later on. For all editions, the additional table is the same. You can see the links on your screen and I recommend you visit them. Even the wiki shows you a nice table with all the additions and features that you can find. It's nice to know what you can get from all these versions.

ExamSnap's Microsoft 98-349 Practice Test Questions and Exam Dumps, study guide, and video training course are complicated in premium bundle. The Exam Updated are monitored by Industry Leading IT Trainers with over 15 years of experience, Microsoft 98-349 Exam Dumps and Practice Test Questions cover all the Exam Objectives to make sure you pass your exam easily.

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