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Microsoft MS-203 Practice Test Questions, Microsoft MS-203 Exam Dumps

With Examsnap's complete exam preparation package covering the Microsoft MS-203 Practice Test Questions and answers, study guide, and video training course are included in the premium bundle. Microsoft MS-203 Exam Dumps and Practice Test Questions come in the VCE format to provide you with an exam testing environment and boosts your confidence Read More.

Managing Recipients and Devices

5. Creating Recipients in Exchange Online

Okay, let's take a moment. We're going to log on now to Exchange Online to look at how recipients are created in Exchange Online. OK, so first order business. We're going to go to Portal, dot, alright. Also, log in. All right. I've already logged in, so it's going to let me write in here. Okay, Now you're going to create recipients in Microsoft Exchange by having them associated with an Office 365 license. So what I'm going to do is drop down right here where it says Users, click on Active Users, and we're going to create a new user right here in Portal or portal on Same thing. Okay, So I'm going to go right here. I'm going to create a user named Robbie, whose last name will be Wilson, right. And then Robbie Wilson. My username is going to be Robbie Wilson. all Okay, And it's going to autogenerate Robbie Wilson. A password that's fine, says you can require the user to change their password. If you want, I can send the password to email. I could put in Robbie's personal email or something and have that sent to him if I wanted. And then I'm going to click next. All right. So then this is where. This is the key right here. We have to assign him a license. OK? Now the Office 365 licence is going to give him an email recipient mailbox. So I'm just going to select that one. We'll talk more about some of these other licences later. But I'm going to. and click. Next, Another thing is that I have to select a location. Just a forewarning. You can actually create accounts through the other portals. Microsoft has a portal called Portal And you can create an account through that, but it does not force you to select a location. You cannot assign a subscription or a licence to somebody unless they have a location. All right. So here we go. We got the United States. We're going to go ahead and click Next. I'm not going to sign any roles or any of that. Right now I'm going to click Next, and then I'm going to click Finish Adding, okay. So at that point, we've got our user, Robbie Wilson. We're going to close and we're ready to open up Exchange Online. So we're going to come over here to the left. We're going to click the little showall ellipse symbol here and scroll down, and we're going to click Exchange. This is going to bring up the exchange admin center. Now here's the thing again. The Exchange admin centre exchanges online. It looks and feels pretty much exactly like Exchange. 20, 16, 20, 19. Basically, the Exchange admin centre that you're used to, okay? So it's got a little sharper text, but other than that, you're going to notice it's pretty much going to work the same way. The only difference, though, is that if I click onrecipients, I don't have a plus sign right here. Observe that, right? I don't have a plus sign because the recipients are added through that Microsoft 365 portal and then by assigning them that license, that is how they end up getting the recipient account. So, as you can see, here's my new Robbie Wilsonguy, whom I can edit in the same way that I would on a regular premise. You've got a lot of the same options that you can see. So this is all going to look familiar to you. Same options, same options that we've got available to us. all right? Okay, all of that is the same. I can also go in here and I can create a resource. So I don't have a plus sign when it comes to recipients. But over a mailbox recipient, but resource mailboxes, I can go here. And you've seen me do something like this before. I could say comp room one, right? Comp Room One, give it a name. I can basically create a room mailbox if I want. The same thing I can do if I want. I can go through the process of creating an equipment mailbox if I want. So all this is the same. Again, this is business as usual. You can create contacts, your shared mailbox, all of that is sort of the same. So you should pretty much feel right at home if you're comfortable with dealing with Exchange on Prem,working in Exchange, the Exchange Admin Center with ExchangeOnline, same kind of game plan. All right, I've got mail flow, accepted domains, and all that stuff, you know, same kind of plan. Overall, the important thing to remember is that when it comes to creating Exchange, the mailbox recipient, you must first create the account in order to sign it a license. And that's what's going to actually make that recipient show up for you. Okay? But all in all, it's pretty straightforward.

6. Using Powershell to Manage Exchange Online

So the first thing I'm going to do is connect to Microsoft Exchange or to Microsoft 365 Online. And to do that, we've got to install some commands. So we're going to type in "install module Ms" online. So we're going to hit Enter on that. So this is going to actually connect out to the Microsoft repository. It is going to require us to have a few things in order to download commands. So we're going to let this run throughand accept what it asks us to do. You're going to notice it's going to ask us to install something called NuGet. NuGet is going to be a command downloading tool. It's going to let us connect into the Microsoft repository and essentially be able to download the script. So as you can see, I'm saying yes,go ahead and put NuGet on the machine. It's now officially installing NuGet. Okay, next thing is it's going to tell me that it's going to have to download the script from an untrusted repository. Oddly enough, Microsoft owns the repository. However, it is a community-based thing. So Microsoft is saying, hey, even though we own this repository, it is an untrusted repository. Are you sure you want to continue? Yes. So I'm going to say continue. All right. It is now going to go ahead and pull down the Microsoft Online commands. As you can see, it's a package, and it's actually unzipping those commands and extracting them into my PowerShell. Which now when I go into PowerShell, they'll be loaded upin memory with my other PowerShell commands and I'll be ableto use these commands right out of the gates. Okay, so this is going to make all those Microsoft Online commands available to me. Now that I've got the Microsoft Online commands,I could potentially start using those commands. I could type to get MSOL User. But I want to show you a little something. When I hit Enter, it's going to throw an error. So look at the error message. It says that you've got to call the Connect MSOL service. I haven't actually connected to the online service right now. So I'm going to type "Connect Msolservice," hitEnter, and it's going to prompt me. Now granted, I could have stored my credentials into a variable and pointed that variable, but instead I'll just type them in here and it's now going to connect me to the service. As you can see, it's here that I'm officially connected. Now, if I type get MSL user, I can see all of my users. But here's the issue. This is not actually going to connect everything with Exchange Online. I actually am going to need to do something else to get access to all the Exchange Online commands. Okay? So to do that, I got to type in the InstallModule name and it is called Exchange Online Management. That is going to be the module that I need in order to get all the Exchange Online commands. So you're really going to be sort of jumping back and forth between doing some of the commands with MicrosoftOnline Services, which is the MSOL, and then some of the things are going to be done through Exchange Online. So some of the commands aregoing to be handled that way. So as you can see, it's downloading that package and it'll get that package installed. And those Exchange Online commands are now officially going to be available to me. Now, even though I've installed them, I am going to need to import those commands into memory. So I'm going to type import module exchangeonline management They've been imported. And you can also, if you ever want to, update the commands. Microsoft does occasionally update these commands. You can update the module. The name of the module is going to be the Exchange Online Management Module. All right. And that's going to just update, make sure we've got the latest copy of those commands. All right. And then it looks like it's good. Okay, now what we're going to do is we're going to connect. But to connect this time, I'm actually going to demonstrate putting my credentials into a variable. So I'm going to say dollar sign cred. For credentials, you can name anything you want that equals get credential. All right. I'm going to hit enter. Okay, It's going to ask me to put in my credentials. So I'm going to say my credentials, put those in real quick here, all right. and put my password in. All right. And the credentials are now stored in that variable. Okay, So here's what we're going to do. We're going to say connect to Exchange Online Credentialand I'm going to say dollar signs. So we're pointing to that dollar sign that we added up into memory. Okay, And then I'm going to do a show. There's a neat little switch you can add to show progress is true. So the dollar sign is correct. Okay? And as you can see, it's connecting. You are going to notice that Microsoft has some older commands that are still available, but they're moving to some newer commands. What they're saying is more reliable and faster commands with Exchange. So here are the old commands, and we also have newer commands. All right. So now I can type get EXO Mailbox and hit Enter, and it will show me all of my mailboxes and list them all. Okay, maybe I want to store that in a file. So I'm going to hit up Arrow, pipethat over to outdash mailboxes text, okay. That's going to dump it all into a text file. So I could open up File Explorer, go to my C drive, and I could look through each one of those at my convenience. Okay. So I can kind of scroll through and look at whatever I want. So the next thing I want to do, though, is just demonstrate how to actually add a recipient how to actually add a mailbox in your environment. So kind of like what we've done, I can say new dash. Let me just kind of clean the screen up a little bit. New mailbox alias And we're going to create a user. Name: Joseph Banks Joseph Banks. Okay, name: Joseph Banks. Okay, first name, Joseph Zifflastname. Banks Again, I know this kind of gets redundant. All right. And then we'll do passwords and you can actually do this nifty little thing where you do parentheses here and you can say convert to secure string, string. And we'll just put the password right on the screen. So we'll do this little password here: capital p at symbol, S-S-W-Zero, rd. Okay, And then, as plain text and force. And that will override if there's any kind of a conflict there. Close parentheses. And then we'll say "reset password at next log on" is going to be true. Okay, And we're going to hit enter. And it's now going to... oh, see, I'm missing a mandatory okay, forgot the user principal name. Yeah, that's kind of important. Okay, so let me go back. All right. And we will actually put that, I missed a couple of things that I need to add. So we will add after the last name. Let me actually add that this gives you guys a good example of the love of power shell and how it's not afraid to tell you if you messed something up here. So I'm going to say dashdisplay name because I forgot that. And we'll do Joseph Banks. All right. And then we're going to also do this dollar, Microsoft Online Services ID. That's the key ingredient that I missed just now. We'll say Josephbanks, type those galore here at Exam Lab So, Joseph Banks is at exam, lab I think I got it all in there this time. Let's give it another shot. Okay, Now notice the warning message. It says after you create a new mailbox, you must go to the Office 365 Admin Center and assign the mailbox the license. Okay, which you can actually do with the set MSOL user command. Or you can open up the Microsoft 365portal and you can assign the licence there. Okay? And in order for a user to obviously have an account, they have to have that license, right? So let's go look and just see if the user has actually been created. Okay? So, returning to portal, I'm going to refresh my screen and look at active users, okay? And I want you to notice that Joseph Banks has been created, although he is unlicensed. So in order for him to get an email address,an actual exchange online account, we have to make sure he's got a license, so we can click on the user, we can click licences and apps, and we'll give him an Office 365 e, five subscription save changes, and then at that point, we can go show all and go to exchange and we'll just verify recipients. Sometimes it does take a minute to show up. So if you do this along with me or whatever,and you go into your mailbox, you change online. Just note that it may take a moment before it actually shows up for you. Okay, so we're just going to refresh the screen and see if Joseph Banks is showing up. And he is. So we've now officially got our users set up. We've created a recipient through PowerShell, and hopefully that gives you guys some good understanding of how we can open up PowerShell and actually get connected into our cloud services as well as our exchange online.

7. Creating Multiple Mailboxes Using Comma Separated Value (CSV)

I want to talk to you now about doing batch operations and exchange. Now we've learned how to go through the process of creating a user through the EAC. Graphically, we've looked at the Exchange Management Shell and how to build users that way. But one of the things I did mention is that you can do batch operations in Exchange using the Exchange Management Shell. So in this case, we're going to pretend that our HR department, Human Resources, has given us a spreadsheet and the spreadsheet has some new employees that have just been hired. Maybe these new employees are going to be in the marketing department of our company. Okay, so what we want to do now is go through the process of managing and creating these users in bulk. Okay? Now, this really isn't a lot of users. You could do this pretty quickly through the EAC, but what if there were like 50 users here that you needed to go through the process of creating? Right, so here's how you do this. So first off, in your spreadsheet, the very first column here is going to indicate fields which are going to tie into the parameters that we're going to specify when we create the accounts using this PowerShellcommand that I'm going to show you. Okay, so I've got three things here, but you could do a lot more than that. You could specify contact information in the rest of these fields. I'm just kind of doing three of the minimum things here to create these accounts. All right, again, imagine there are 50 of these users instead of just a few, but either way, 50 or a few. You can get this done very quickly if you have a spreadsheet like this. So we've got the first field is called Alias, the second field is the name, and then the third is going to be the UPN, which is going to be the actual email address that they are going to be assigned. Okay, so we're going to go through the process of doing this. What you would do is go to the filemenu and you would save the file as a CSV file. Okay? So I've saved the file as a CSV file on my C drive. And if we open up File Explorer, we'll see the CSV file has new users. And I'm going to edit that with Notepad so you can see what it looks like from a Notepad standpoint. So really, guys, what is a CSV file is?It's just text, right? It's just text information. And as you can see, this is the format that matches what we had in the spreadsheet. Okay, so we got that. We saved it as a new user's CSV. Now I'm going to type a command. I'm going to explain this. PowerShell will come into play as you follow along with what we're doing here. Okay? So the first thing I'm going to do is find a command called import CSV. So we're going to run that import comma separated value. Okay, Then we had to specify where we wanted to import the file, which was, of course, on our C drive. So we're going to do continuous CSV. Okay? Now what you're going to do is you're going to pipe this over to another command, an import command. Okay? Now, what exactly is Piping going to do for us? Piping is going to take the output from this command and associate it with the input of another command. So we're going to use the pipe symbol that's holding on the shift key, hit that backslash, and then we're going to type for each. Maybe you've done some programming in your time, or maybe you haven't. PowerShell is a programming language. You can programme from within PowerShell. And in programming, we have something called loops. Loops allow you to do what's known as enumeration. Enumeration means I would like to perform an action of some kind against a bunch of objects. Okay? And so what I'm going to basically say is I'm going to say for each and it's going to perform against every line inside that CSV file. So every single line that you see here is going to perform a task against that line. Okay? So we're going to say for each and then you're going to do what's called an opening curly brace. The opening curly brace is signalling the PowerShell that,hey, what comes after the curly brace is the action I want to perform against each object. Okay? So I'm going to do a new dash mailbox, alright? Okay, then alias. And then we're going to do this variable called dollarsign underscore dot and then the word alias, which is going to match, if you remember, it's going to match this right here, this alias word in our CSV file. Now what exactly is that dollar sign underscore doing? And if you're not really familiar with PowerShell, that dollar sign underscore is an avariable that represents the current object that this action is being performed against. So if this is the first object in the pipeline, If it's this Alex Johnson user, then that's what's going to get plugged into that dollar sign underscore. So again, that dollar sign underscore is alwaysillustrating that you're performing an action against that object that's currently in the pipeline. Okay? Alright, so we're going to do that and we're going to do that name. And the dash name is going to be a dollar sign underscore dot name. Okay? So again, that is going to be performed right against this second part. So that's going to be this name, which matches that right there, right? Okay, So we're now going to hit space again. We're going to do user principal name,space, dollar sign underscore dot, and then theUPN right, which is what's inside that file. So that is going to match that last part,the UPN right here, which, of course, for the first object in the pipeline, that would be Okay, so that's how that's going to work. Okay, So now what we're going to do is we're going to specify the database that this is going to be part of, and we're going to say these are all new marketing employees, so we're going to add them to the marketing database that we created. All right. And then we're going to do organisational unit. We'll just throw them in the user's container of Active Directory. Okay, And then the last thing we need to do is specify what the password is. Now I've shown you before how you can specify a password in a variable. You can do dollar sign PW equals, and then you can do the read host and get the password. Okay, so we've done that before. So we're going to do password and then the dollar signPW and then at that point we have got our password. And again, guys, I'll just kind of refresh your memory on that. I could quickly copy this if I wanted to. If I needed to specify that password, I could say dollar sign PW equals and I can doread host, enter password and then add secure string. So I showed you how to do that earlier. I was just kind of demonstrating that to you again. OK, now I'm going to put that command back in now that you've seen me redefstrate that and I think we've got everything we need. So it's important to create a new user CSV for each new mailbox, alias, name, user principal name, and database. I believe we got all that correct. So we're going to hit enter and it's going through and enumerating each one of those objects. And as you can see, it looks like it successfully created each one of these users. Let's jump back into the Exchange Admin centre now and we'll look, we'll refresh our screen and see if we've got our users, and it looks like we do. All right. So there's our users, all nicely created for us. And that is how we can do batch operations using EMS with the CSV file. I also want to show you real quick how to type in getmailbox, and this is another way that I can see my mailboxes from within the EMS. Alright? Okay, So far, that gives you guys a good understanding of how we can do these batch operations using EMS with the help of a CSV file.

8. Managing Mailbox Permissions

We'll take a look now at the recipients object here. And then here are our mailboxes. We're going to go ahead and edit this user here called Adam West. Zoom in on the little dialogue box for this. Now we've gone through a lot of these different options here before, but one of the things we haven't gone through is the concept of what is known as the mailbox delegation option. Okay? So there are a couple of things here you definitely are going to want to understand. This is going to be helpful for the real world. It's also going to be helpful for if you take the exam. It says send as and send on behalf. You need to make sure that you understand the difference between those two things. So let's kind of take a deep look at what this is saying. Send as they tell you on the screen. The send as permission allows a delegate to send email from this mailbox. The message will appear to have been sent by the mailbox owner. So it is going to appear as though it was sent by the person who owns the mailbox. Okay? So this is going to be used in a situation. You have Maybe you have Adam West. Adam West is some kind of MAYA manager or something like that. And Adam West is going to be going on vacation, and you need somebody to basically respond as Adam West. This is something you can do. It's not as common to do this with an actual user as it is with a mailbox, sort of like sales or research or marketing or something like that. But it could be used in that situation. It could also be used in a situation where Adam West no longer works for the company. And we want to send out an email on behalf of this person, saying, okay, hey, look, Adam West no longer works with the company. You need to email this person. So you could do that if you needed to. All I've got to do is hit the plus sign there and I can select who can do this. We're going to say that JanWilliams can be sent as Adam West. Okay, Now look down here and we've got an email on behalf. Send now on my behalf. If you read what it says, it says "thesend on behalf permission" which allows the delegate to send email on behalf of the mailbox of this mailbox.The front line in any message sent by a delegate indicates that the message was sent by the delegate on behalf of the mailbox owner. So this is going to be more common, okay. And this is going to be used in a situation where maybe again, you have a user who's going on vacation, whatever, and you've got somebody who is monitoring that person's mail while they're gone and they need to be able to send on behalf of a user. Maybe you've got a manager or something that's left that's gone. You've got an administrative assistant who's kind of taking over the email for that person while that person is gone. So you can do that very easily. Click here on Send on behalf, and then you can choose this user who can do this. We're going to say that Bob Sticks in here is going to be the person who is going to be sitting on behalf of the So in other words, now what you got is a scenario where Adam West is gone on vacation, maybe, whatever,and this Bob Sticks in guy could go through the process of emailing on behalf of Adam West, but it is going to say that Bob Stixon is the one who's actually sending this email. If you look at this Jan Williams person with send ads, the email will appear to come from Adam West with send on behalf. It doesn't work like that. It's going to show that Bob Sticks is sending on behalf of Adam West. Okay, the last thing you've got here is just full access. This is just saying with full access permission, it allows the delegate to open this mailbox and behave as the mailbox owner so they can open it, look at it, all of that. And Adam West is the mailbox owner. But it also tells you that Exchange and Trusted Subsystem are also considered owners of this as well, because Exchange does need to be able to interact with the mailbox and do maintenance services and things like that. But we could add another user here and make that other user the owner of the mailbox. If they become an owner of the mailbox, they can actually open the email and read all the person's emails, but you're still going to have to give them permission to send on behalf and send as. The one thing not to get confused about this is that a lot of people believe that once you have fullaccess, you can do these two things as well. That's not true. Full access is just going to let you open the email and be able to see their email account mail, but you have to have these other privileges as well in order to do a send as or send on behalf. Okay, All right. So you're going to find that this setting is both with Exchange and Prem. It's also on Exchange online. You could manipulate these settings using EMSor, of course, this graphical tool. All right, so that is your mailbox delegation,and hopefully that gives you guys a decentunderstanding now of those different mailbox permissions. You.

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