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Microsoft MB-210 Practice Test Questions, Microsoft MB-210 Exam Dumps
With Examsnap's complete exam preparation package covering the Microsoft MB-210 Practice Test Questions and answers, study guide, and video training course are included in the premium bundle. Microsoft MB-210 Exam Dumps and Practice Test Questions come in the VCE format to provide you with an exam testing environment and boosts your confidence Read More.
Alright, so welcome to this tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn aboutconfiguring sales content pack for Power Bi. As you know, Dynamics 365 Sales is an amazing solution for companies to standardise their sales processes,create structures, increase revenue, and also keep their teams productive to boost sales of an organization.And one of the important components of any business solution is to have analytics and reporting. so the companies can make intelligent decisions. So that can be achieved through Power Bi. So once you have captured information in the inDynamics 65 Sales solution, then what's next? right? So that must be the first goal of any organization. When they implement a business solution, the first thing they must know is what they will try to get out of the solution implementation. And most companies just implement solutions to see that, yeah, we are going to standardise our processes, we are going to create structures. That's all good; it is important. But one of the major components is analytics and reporting. So the companies can capture information and then get analysis out of it and make quick and intelligent business decisions to improve their businesses. right? So Power Bi allows companies to gather data from multiple sources. It can be from Dynamics 365 applications or any other application that they are using and presenting it in a meaningful way so companies can make quick and intelligent business decisions. So, sales analytics for Dynamics 365 Content Pack are available to analyse data from Dynamics 365 sales. So by default, the content pack is available, which gives most of the reporting that is required. And if a company needs more analytics or more reports, they can create their own reports using Power Bi. So that's how it works. You need to first go to PowerBiand you can sign up for free. And once you sign up, then you need to click Get Data. After you get the data, you need to select my organization. Okay, so you need to get the data from your organization. Then you search for Sales Analytics for Dynamics 365 Sales and you click Get it now. It will be installed and you can see the reporting from your Dynamics 365 Sales instance. So let's see how we can configure that and make use of Power Bi. So you can open or PowerBI and you will be taken to this page. You can start a free trial. So just click "start free" and just click "try." It will be redacted for the registration process. And here you need to give your work email address. So we give you the same email address that we created when we signed up for Dynamics 65 Sales. right? So I'm just going to put that okay. You need to put that email which has If you have already logged in, it says you have an account with us. We are just okay with this. We can just click sign in and then I can click Start to agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policies. Let's click start. It will ask you to invite more people in your organisation to sign up and use Power Bi. But for now, we'll just click Skip in case you want to invite someone, you can do that now. It will finish up and take us to the Power Bi dashboard. So now we are in Power Bi and you can watch the demo if you want. If you don't want to do this, simply click Dismiss. It is recommended to use the new look that Power Bi is offering. So you can enable this new look by just toggling this option. And this is the new look and feel. So the first thing you need to do is just click Get Data. So we click Get data and here we select myorganization, click Get and it opens the app store for Power Bi. Here you need to search for sales and when you scroll down you have sales analytics for Dan Mix 365 Sales. So let's click get now. Okay, so now it will ask you to install it. We'll just install this power bi app? So now it is installing the app. Now it may take some time, but it is now ready. We can just click "Go to app" and if you want to connect with your data, explore the sample data or customise it. You can choose as you want. We will choose to connect your data. So we'll just choose to collect data. And then here we need to specify the URL of our Dynamics 365 Sales. Okay, so I will just copy this from here and paste it next. So we will choose the authentication method as OAuthtwo and the privacy level for the data source we can specify. We can just put in none, which is not required. We can just click sign in and now it will ask me to sign in from the email address. It is signed in and now it is connected. You can see on the left hand side that you have Sales Analytics for Dynamics 365 Sales. And here you can see the available reports and dashboards. And let's click dashboard. So we expand this and we click "sale. pipeline. Dashboard So Refresh is currently underway. So this is a sample data set and once the refresh is complete, you will see data from Dynamics 365 Sales. So you can just click Refresh. And this is the live data from our Dynamics 65 application. So if you want to see these reports in detail, you can just click under Reports, Sales Analytics. And here you will see all the available pages. So, first is sales performance. It shows you the one revenue when counted, the average deal size, average deal h and lostrevenue. All those kinds of details can be seen here, as well as one revenue by owner and other information. Similarly, you have a sales leaderboard. It shows how the team is performing. As a result, we currently do not have any of the revenue generated. So Blanket is showing this much, and a Peshamais showing this much, and it also shows all the other users that we have created, right? We can filter it. So if you want to see it for any specific industry, we can just select that and the system will filter out that data. Okay, so that's a very good way to filter out information. If you click on something, it will filter all the other data as well. Okay? So if you want to see only a bezel ma, you can just click on this and it will show all the information. You can see that it is very useful when you have more data so that you can slice and dice the data and get more information as to what you're looking for, right? And on the right hand side, you have filters. So for each report, you will have filters on the right hand side and you can specify those filters. So, for example, let's click on "sales pipeline." So here we can specify the filter specifically for this page and the filters for all the pages, okay? And if you want to see, for example,for fiscal year 2020, we can filter it and then we'll see data only for 2020. And if you see other pages as well, they will also be filtered with this 2020. Okay, if you change it, say 2019,it will update all the pages that you have here, right?So you have one kind of global filter for all the pages or any specific page for reporting. If you want to clear the filters, you can just click on this rubber icon and it will clear the filters and show you all the data. So that way you can get information and you can export this into PowerPoint PDF and also print it. You can share it with other people. You can subscribe to any changes, okay?And you can comment here. So when you define comments, if you can kind of have a conversation with your team members, this can be useful for getting feedback and improvements on a specific page or dashboard, right? You can favourite it and you can also save a copy in Excel for analysis in different places and with other information, right? So you have so many options to slice and dice data and get information that is required and necessary for increasing revenue and doing better in the organization. When you go to the dashboard, you also have the option to ask questions about your data. So that's one of the great ways to get your answers and get information quickly. Let's search for leads. So the top leadcount is 30 leads. So here we can see just for example. Top leads. It will show all the leads with budget. You can drill down more in Kansas City, for example. Then it shows that there are two leads in that particular city and you can add some more if you want, by owner, so there are two owners, and also by creating, you can drill down the information and once you know, you have created your dashboards and reports. Then it is easy for the management and the sales team members to get information quickly. right within the PowerBI dashboard. So you can go to this Q & A and you can ask those questions. You can also use the existing one that we have. So, if you click the top account created on quarter per year total expected revenue, the system will display that data here. Apparently it doesn't have any data for that. Let's try some other So, because we don't have much data and the data we do have is sampled, it's showing such GI ID details; when you have more data, you obviously get to see more information and analyse the data accordingly, right? So you can use this Q and A if you want to modify any report, then you can go to the specific page and edit. Here you can edit, you can add visualization,you can add more fields as per your requirement, okay? You can do all these settings as mentioned here, right? So designing Power Bi reports and dashboards is not in the scope of this course, but you can just get a feel of what is possible with Power Bi and how easily you can get information in a graphical way and use that information to improve business, right? So that's it for this video and I will see you in the next video tutorial.
Alright, so welcome to this tutorial. In this video, you will learn about sales dashboards in Dynamics 365. So, let's first understand what a dashboard is. And this will be a tutorial from the MB 20 course,which basically explains you about dashboards, what different types of dashboards are and how you can create a dashboard. From the sales perspective, you don't need to learn how to create a dashboard, but it is okay to get an overview. So if you already have an idea, you can just fast forward through this video and you can move directly to the sales part. I will speak in a moment. Alright, so here's a video from MBtwo Double Zero Core for dashboards. So you will see two kinds of dashboards in this video. One is the dashboards that you can see in the previous versions of Dynamics 365, and the other one is called the Interactive Experience Dashboard. So we'll talk about both of them, and I'll show you how you can create and manage them. So first, let's understand why we need dashboards. Sometimes it is difficult for users to analyse information from different sources like charts, views, and other websites, because if you open a particular chart, you will see information specific to that chart. But what about the information related to its views or other information that collectively contributes to your decisionmaking? So that's where a dashboard allows you to view several components on a single screen. You don't need to go back and forth to see information. You can see everything that you need on a single screen that is on a dashboard. So you can include charts in adashboard views, which are also known aslists. You can include iframes. You can include web resources. And also relationship assistance. So these are different components that you can include in a dashboard when you design it. So, before we see how you can actually create a dashboard and how you can customise it or configure it, let's understand the different types of dashboards. So, there are two types of dashboards available. One is called "system" and another is called "personal." So system dashboards are created by system customizers or administrators. Now, these are the users who have the role called "system administrator" or "system customizer." Only these users can create system dashboards, and you can control who has access to these dashboards using security rules. It means who can see these dashboards and who can't. So you can control that using security rules. And if you have created a dashboard in your development environment and you want that dashboard for your client as well, then you can include that particular dashboard in a solution and you can export and import it into the client environment. So system dashboards can be included in solutions and can be exported as part of them. And you can only add public viewsand system charts on system dashboards. So you also have personal views and personal charts,so those cannot be included in system dashboards. Only public views and system charts can be included. Another one is personal. Dashboard These can be created by a user. So, if you have access to Dynamics 365 as a user, you can create a personal dashboard that contains all of the information that you require as an end user. Plus, if you have created a personal dashboard, then only you can see it. Nobody else can unless you share the dashboard with other users. Please keep in mind that any components you add to your personal dashboard must be shared with other users; otherwise, they will not be able to see the information. Also, please note that you cannot include personal dashboards in a solution. And you can add public charts, system charts, and also public views and system views to these dashboards. So let's explore what these dashboards are and how you can create and configure them. So here I am in the customer service hub, and as you can see, this is an example of a dashboard. So you can change the dashboard by clicking this app dashboard Selector. So here you can see you have a customer service manager dashboard, you have a customer service Representative dashboards.Plus, we also have Interactive Experience dashboards,which are Knowledge Manager, my Knowledge Manager dashboard, tier one and tier two. So I'll explain to you these dashboards in a moment. But first, let's understand what these dashboards are. So this is an example of a system dashboard. You can see the components, and it has a layout. You can save this dashboard as you can just clicksave and create this as your personal dashboard. You can create a new dashboard here. So, this way you will be able to create a personal dashboard. This is the default dashboard. When you open the Dynamics 365 app, you want the customer service representative dashboard to be available when you log in. So all you can do is just select that particular dashboard and click Set as Default. So this is a personalised setting. So for this logged in user, whenever this user logs into the Dynamics 365 customer service hub, they will see this as the first dashboard and they don't need to keep selecting it and changing it. Again, if you want to change this personalised setting,you can just click Clear Default and it will by default change it to the main dashboard. And if you want to refresh the data available, So you're working in a company where customers are being supported by your service agents and you want to see the real-time information. So whenever the page loads, it refreshes the data. But in case you're on this page and you want to refresh it, you can just click refresh all and all the data will get refreshed and will have the latest data. So this is a dashboard. So let's see how we can create a system dashboard. So for that, I can go to advanced settings. And here, I can go to solutions under solutions. As you know, we can only customise and add components to unmanaged solutions. So here's the unmanaged solution. You can open this unmanaged solution and you can click Dashboards. And here you can create a dashboard. This is one way, but there's another way that Microsoft has introduced through our Apps Makeup Portal. So you can just click on this and try a new experience. So there's a better way to customise the system. When you click on this, it will open up in a new tab or you can manually enter the URL as and then you will be able to see solutions. So when you open, you will see this as the main screen. On the right-hand top side, you will see Environment. So you need to make sure that you select the default one because the default one is already created when you sign up for the Dynamics 365 trial. So you need to have the other environment to be selected. And now this environment has been selected. You can just click on Solutions and here you can filter so you will see all the solutions available. You can filter it to unmanaged so that you can see only unmanaged solutions. So here you have two unmanaged solutions. You can open these unmanaged solutions and you can add components. So all you can do is click New and then click Dashboard. In that dashboard, you can clickwhat is the layout you want? two-column overview, three-column, two-column overview weighted with a four-column overview. For example, let's click for a column overview. So it will open this new dashboard creation window. Let's give it a name. So let's put in a system dashboard. And here you can see you can add charts, you can add lists, which is Views. You can add a relationship assistant. You can add web resources and iframes, so let's click the chart here. And I'm going to select accounts by industry or by month. Let's click OK. So here you can see this chart. You can add a list here. So, which entity do I want to see all accounts for, and then click Add? So I will see all this and I can just double click on this and make sure that I only see the things that I need to. So I can see all the views or I can just see the selected views that I want. So I can just select the ones that I want to see by pressing CTRL and clicking OK. So now I can send theview selectors only to those accounts. You can also add the Relationship Assistant if you have configured it. It will be shown here. It gives you the latest information and some reminders that are required for you to take decisions and increase your productivity. So that will be shown here. And you can only add one relationship assistant to a particular dashboard. You can add an iframe. So, Iframe allows you to open any URL that you want to see. You can do that with any website that you have already created. And you can just select those web resources from here and they will be available. In this section, You have another tab which basically allows you to add all these components. So I can just save it and I can just close it. So you can see that it's new, it's been created yet. So I'll just click Done and it's not going to refresh. And I will be able to see that particular dashboard. And now I can include this particular dashboard in my app and users will start seeing this particular dashboard. So once you have created this, all you can do is publish all the customizations. If you don't do that, then users will not be able to see this dashboard. So that's how you can create a system dashboard. And also, you can control the security. So you can say "enable security roles." So which of the security roles do you want to show? So it is currently displayed to everyone. Now if I just want to display it to the account manager, I can just select that and I can just click OK, so this dashboard will only be available now to the account manager. So security can be controlled. Here again, I can edit it, make changes, and publish it. So whenever you make any changes to systementities or create new ones through this customization environment, then you definitely need to publish them so that they are available to users. So that's how you can create a system dashboard. Similarly, you can create a systemdashboard from this environment as well. So you can just open this particular solution, clickdashboard, and here you can click New Dashboard. It gives you a better idea of what it will look like. So the one we created was a four-column overview dashboard. If you want to see what the dashboard will look like, then you can use this area as well and click Create and follow the step-by-step process as we discussed. So that's how you can create the system. One, let's see how you can create a personal website. You can either save it as any existing dashboard, so you can just click Save as, give it a name, and you can enable it for mobile if you want, and save it. So it will be shown under your personal dashboard. So let's click New and then click Dynamics 365 dashboard. I'm going to create a three-column overview dashboard. Click "Create" and give it a name. Personal dashboard I can again add different components, so the process works similar to the system dashboard. The only thing is that this will be available only to you because you have created it. So let's refresh it. So now you can see that my personal dashboard is available under my dashboards by default. It will be available only to you. Now, if you want other people to see this, you can share it with them. So you can just click Share Dashboard and add users. So let's click "Add user team." You can add a user. For example, this user can decide whether they can read this dashboard right and make changes. You can delete it. They can assign it to somebody else, or they can share it. So you can choose which permission you want to give them. Mostly, giving others read permission is good because you have created this dashboard and you don't want others to make changes to it. If you're working in a team where you can value-add and add more components to make it better, then you can give them the right access. So like this, you can add as many user themes as you want, and once you share them, they will be available to other users and teams as well. So I'm just going to delete it for now. You can just select the one you want to delete and click Delete. Or you can just reset it. So that's how you can share it. If you want to change the ownership of this particular dashboard, you're not available for some time and you want other users to manage this dashboard. So you can change the ownership by clicking assign and then you can assign it to a user or team and then select the user to which you want to assign. And that user will be able to perform operations, make changes, and whatever the things that you give them. And you can also delete this dashboard. So these are two ways you can create a dashboard. So you can create system dashboards and personal dashboards based on your requirements. So let's look at another type of dashboard. So the other type of dashboard is the interactive experience. Dashboards? So these are configurable security, rule-based, and they deliver workload information across multiple streams in real time. So you will see there are two types of them: multistream and single stream. And you don't need to find data and then open it. You can directly take action from within the interactive experience dashboard and start working on it. So again, as I said, users don't need to page through the application or look for the records that they want; they can directly act on them from the dashboard. So there are two forms of interactive experience dashboard. One is a single stream, and another is multi stream.So, as the name implies, singlestreamdashboard displays real-time data over a single stream based on entity view or queue. So, tier two is an example of a single stream dashboard in Dynamics 365 customer service hub, whereas the multistream dashboard displays data in real time across multiple data streams. And the example is the tier one dashboard. So let me show you how it works. So, we are back again in Dynamics 365. We are in the customer service hub. So I'm going to click this dashboard selector and here I have a tier two dashboard. So the tier two dashboard is an example of a single stream dashboard. As you can see, this is a single stream dashboard that is accessible via the case entity. So here you can see all the active cases,then cases by priority as a graphical, cases by product,cases mixed by incident type, origin, case trend, and on the right hand side you can see tiles. These tiles will be available on the right hand side at all times, so you can simply click on one of them to view the information. On the right-top side, you can filter the data according to what you want to see. You can see today's data, yesterday's data, this week's data, last week's data, or you can give a custom start and end date. So that's something you can do from here and, based on that, the data will change on this dashboard. Also, you can filter it out. For example, if you only want to see high-priority cases, you can just click on this and the system will filter them. You can see all the filters in this area. And here you can see the high priority cases, which are available simply under that you want to see only the service-related cases. So you can just click on the incident type as service and you will see that you have two filters now and one active case. So it is easy for you to find the information. Once you have found the information, you can just click on it and it will take you to that particular record and you can start working on that. So that's how it works. And if you want to remove the filter, you can just click Clear All or delete any individual ones. So I'll just click clear. all. It shows me here on the right hand side that you have these views and queues available. So you can see my activities on the right hand side. So when you click on my activity tile, it is going to show all the activities and right from there you can just select the one which you want to open and the system will open that particular record or activity and you can work on that. So that's a very good way of working with interactive experience dashboards. If you want to have more filters,you can click "Show global filters." So you will see all kinds of filters available which can't be done from the graphical view but can be done from Global Filter. So you can select the case types. For example, I want to select only case types in questions. I could just apply this global filter by clicking this. I can do this by clicking on this icon. So let's apply. So you can see, I want to open this global filter again. I want to save this particular filter so that I don't have to keep selecting it. So I can just click Save as reusable filter and give it a name. As a result, question type filters. Okay, I can just click on this and now this filter is saved. And I can see that here. I open this dashboard and I want to see that particular filter. I can just click Show GlobalFilter and just apply this. So, if you have multiple filters, this is the best way to save them and reuse them. So this is the single stream dashboard. Let's talk about the multistream dashboard. So tier one is an example of a multistream dashboard. Here you can see information from multiple streams. And here you can see you have active cases, you have my resolved cases,you have my drafted emails and activities. Similarly to the single stream dashboard, you have the filter on the right hand side, top side. You also have a global filter, which you can reuse here. And another thing you have here is called Show Visual Filter. So when you click on "Show Visual Filter," it will show all the visual filters that are available. And similarly to the single stream, it is also going to filter the information so you can find it and start working on it. So all the functionality works, but it works on multistream. So I can just hide this visual filter. If I want to see this in a tile view, not the stream view, then I can click to switch to tile view. So you will see that you have eight active faces, zero resolved cases, zero mydraft emails, and three activities, right? So instead of seeing the whole thing, you can switch it to tiles and you can get the information quickly. If you want to see all the information, you can switch it back to the stream view. So when you are on the tile view, when you click on any tile, it will show all the records. So here you can see, if you click on activecases, you will see all the cases available. You can open that particular case here and you can start working, right? So that's how you can work with single and multistream dashboards. And if you want to create an interactive experience dashboard, you can go to the solutions and here you can click Dashboards and clicknew and Interactive Experience Dashboard. Here you can select whether you want to create a single stream or multi stream.So in a single stream, you have five columns,three columns, a five-column overview dashboard, two. And these are templates available in multistream. Okay, you have these available, so based on that, you can select and click Create. And here you need to add a stream. So which view do you want to show here? So you can just select that. And here you can add charts to make it work. I can just close it, select this. You can create interactive experience dashboards. So there are two types of dashboards we discussed, and also under that, you have learned about system dashboards and personal dashboards. For personal dashboards, how can you share, edit, and use them? And for system dashboards, how can you control security based on the security roles? Similarly, you have seen the interactive experience dashboard. So you can create those. You have a single stream and multiple streams,and based on your requirements, you can use any of those dashboards. So now you understand what a dashboard is and how you can create dashboards and how you can use dashboards. Let's talk about dashboards from a sales perspective. So you have seen different types of dashboards available and after you enable power bi and add sales content back, you can also create a power bi dashboard from the Dynamics 365 interface. Okay? Sales activity dashboard, sales activity social dashboard, sales dashboard, sales management, sales management social, salesoverview dashboard, sales performance dashboard, sales performance overview dashboard, and Sales Rep Social are some of the out-of-the-box sales dashboards available in Dynamics 365. So these are dashboards available out of the box, but not many are visible to users because of the security roles for each dashboard. So let's see some of the dashboards and I will show you how you can control security and show a specific dashboard to a group of users. All right, so here I am in Dynamic 65. So we are in the sales hub and on the dashboard, the default dashboard that you will see is the sales activities social dashboard. Now this dashboard focuses more on opportunities, leads, and activities. So on the left-hand side, you can see my open opportunities. Now this is filtered by the user. It means you will only see your opportunities; you will not see the opportunities of other users. Okay? So it gives a good idea of what a user is working on and what the stage of each opportunity is. So how many are in the qualified stage? And how many are in the proposed stage and development stage? Okay? And finally, the closing stage. So, different stages will be shown here. Then you also have my open leads. Again, it shows only the leads of the logged in user. So if I'm logged in, I will see only my related leads. So you can see the lead by source. So how we are generating leads from different sources can be seen here. This is a very good way to analyse existing lead generation sources. So if we know that we are getting more leads from the web, then we may put more effort into generating more leads from the web. Then the next maximum is blank. It means there was no source given on that particular lead. So you will not be able to see that. One of the best practises that a company can adopt is making sure that every user who creates a lead must enter the lead source. Three are from advertisements and three are from tradeshows. Right. If you want to see the records,you can just click on these three dots, morecommands and click view records, and it will take you to that particular record along with the chart. So that's something you can see here. Let's go back. On the right hand side you have relationshipassistant, which shows you the inside cards and different inside cards that are enabled. So that's a very good way to keep track of what you need to work on and also plan your day. Then you have open opportunities by topic along with the revenue. So you can see that here and also the close opportunities for this current fiscal year. Okay, so you can see, and then you have all the activities that are required to be done. So it shows my activities. You can change the view, but it's always good to keep my activities as a view, so you know what activities that you need to perform and finish. Then you have something called a sales activity dashboard. This also talks about leads, opportunities, and activities. As a result, you will see not only the user but also the organisation as a whole. So you can see different leads. So it's showing open opportunities not by the user, but overall and opportunities by status, how many are in open stage, how many are won and how many are lost. And on the right hand side, the open leads can be seen similarly, one,opportunities, open opportunities, and the activities. The third dashboard is the sales dashboard. The sales dashboard shows all the activities: open opportunities, open leads, and here you can see active accounts. If you want to see only your accounts, you can just click on my active accounts. These are the accounts that I am responsible for, and I need to make sure that I build relationships with them, be in touch with them, and also share information if they're asking, and also provide them with offers that the company is running. Then we have a sales pipeline and all opportunities are detailed here. So these are three dashboards that you will see when you sign up for Dynamics 360,but there are other dashboards as well. So let's see that PowerApps makeup portal. So make Now this is to be done by the sales administrator,but I'm just showing you so that you understand how you can find those dashboards and how you can enable security rules for them. So click on solutions and unmanaged solutions. From here, click on Default Solution and from here, selectdashboards and let's search for sales. Okay, so these are the sales dashboards. So there you can see only three dashboards,but here we have more than three, right? So for example, if you want to know who has access to the sales rep's social media, then we can click here and click enable security roles. When you click Enable Security Roles, it opens up the security rules and who has access to this particular dashboard. So currently it says "display only the selected security roles." So it's a sales rep. It is usually for a salesperson. We can select it and we can click OK. Then any user who has a salesperson role will be able to see this dashboard on their main screen. If you want to display this dashboard to everyone, you can just select "display to everyone" and then everybody will be able to see this particular dashboard, right? So like this, you can see all the dashboard. If you want to edit it, you can just click here and you can edit the dashboard. All right, so that's how you can see. So that's how you use the Dynamics 365 dashboard. It's a good way for sales representatives or the sales team members to see everything at 10 on screen and work effectively. right? So that's it for this video. And I will see you in the next video tutorial.
Alright, so welcome to this tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn how you can design and create sales charts in Dynamics 365. So first let's understand what a chart is and the different types of charts are and how you can create a chart from the MB Two Double Zero certification course tutorial. So, once you understand the concept of a chart, its various types, and other components, we will see sales-related charts in Dynamics 365. So here's a tutorial from MB 2004. Let's talk about charts first, and then I'm going to show you how you can create charts in Dynamics 365. So charts allow users to see information in a graphical way. For example, you're working on an accounts entity and you see all kinds of records, right? So, if you have so many records and you want to count how many records are there for each industry or industry-wise number of accounts, then it may not be possible for you to get that information quickly. Or you may need to spend a lot of time counting each one and noting all those down. So it is important for you to use charts, which can get information from entities and represent information quickly in a graphical way. So, in Dynamics 365, there are various charts available, such as column, bar, area, line, pie, funnel, tagbased, and donut. And there are two ways you can create charts. So one type of chart is called a system, another is personal. These are very similar to how we worked with dashboards. So dashboards are also system dashboards and personal dashboards. So similarly, you have personal charts and system charts. So let's talk about system charts. So system charts are created by users who have security roles as system customizers or system administrators. Only users who have these security roles will be able to create system charts. And system charts are visible to all users by default. When a system administrator creates a chart, it will be visible as soon as they publish it, and users can start using this to get the information in a graphical way. Please note that system charts can also be included in a solution, which means you can export the system chart as a part of the solution and import it in a different environment. When creating a chart, you need to specify which view of the entity you are going to use. So, for example, if you are creating a system chart for accounts, then you need to define which view of accounts entity you will use to get information and represent it in a graphical way. The type of chart is a personal chart. So these can be created by any user, and once a user creates one, it will be visible only to the user who has created it, right? If you want other users to see the same chart, then you need to share it with them. Then only they will be able to see that particular chart. Please note that personal charts cannot be included in the solution, but you can export and import charts. So you can export a personal chart and ask the system administrator or customizer to import that personal chart as a system chart. So, when you import any chart as a system chart,it will be visible to all the users. So it's a very good scenario where one of the users is creative and they have found a way to get the information quickly and represent it in a nicer way. So if they have created a personal chart, then you might want to use the same chart for all users. They can get information the same way and they can also do a better job, right? So, in that case, you can ask that user to export the chart and give the file to the system administrator so they can import it into the system and make it available to all the users. So let's see how charts work, and I'm going to show you how you can create some. All right, so I am in Dynamics 365. As you can see, I'm in the Dynamics 365sales hub, and this is the dashboard. On the dashboard, you can see you have a chart. So this is one of the charts called the Funnel Chart. You have a pie chart. You have a bar chart. So these are the charts that are added to this particular dashboard. So I'll just click here, Expand Chart, and here it shows in the expanded ways. If you want to see the records, you can just click on these three dots, which are more commands, and click View Records. The system will open this particular chart along with the view. If you want to see only the opportunities that are in the qualification stage, you can just click on it and on the right hand side, the system will filter those two opportunities. Okay, if you want to see it for say, development, you can click that, and similarly for other areas,and if you want to remove this filter, you can click outside the chart, and the system will show all the records that make up this particular chart. And you can see different types of charts by clicking on this chart selector. And here you can see all the charts available for this entity called Opportunity. So I'm just going to click on top customers. So here you can see the customer-wise opportunities and the estimated revenue. So you can see all kinds of charts and analyse information as per your requirements. Similarly, you have under Accounts, so you can click on Accounts and then you can click Show Chart. So for this particular view, which is myactive accounts, you have accounts by industry. You can see here that industry is by default blank. So let's go ahead and make some changes. So I'm going to open this record and now I'm going to update Industry. So let's go into details. And after that, let's put this under accounting. You can press Control S or click on the Save button. Let's go back to accounts and let's click Show Chart. You have one customer in the accounting industry and the others are blank, so you can update the remaining one and you can start seeing that information here. You can also change views. For example, you want to see all customers, and the chart is going to update automatically based on that. So you can see, blank. We have 80 customers, which means 80 customers do not have any industry defined, but further you can see you have ten customers that are from the financial industry, four from entertainment retail and others as you can see. Now you can do a few operations so you can refresh this chart so that it updates based on the real-time data. You can save this chart as a personal chart and make modifications. You can create a new personal chart by clicking New. You can export this chart and you can also import it to use it in Dynamics 365. That's how you can play around with charts. Let's see how you can create charts. So let's see how you can create system charts. So there are two ways you can create it: you can go into customizations and customise the system, or you can go into PowerApps When you make a portal, you can open entities under that for which entity you want to create a chart. So you can just click, for example, accountsand under that you click the charts tab. So here you will see all the charts available for accounts entity and when you click on moreoptions, if these are system charts, there is no option to delete them, but you have created a new chart system chart which will allow you to delete them. So let's see how you can modify this. So we'll open this account by industry chart. Here you can see that the view that is used to preview the chart is my active accounts. If you want to change it, you can say all accounts. You can select the view to see the preview. So, for example, in this we have accounts by industry. So we have two important components here. Number one is the series, which you can see below, and the other one is called "Category," which you can see on the left hand side. So in this, we want to see how many accounts are there for a specific industry. So in the series, we are going to select accountname or any field that will be empty. So if you select account number, then, of course, there might be some accounts where account number doesn't exist, but account name is a mandatory field, so you will definitely have value in this field. Make sure you select a mandatory field so that it gives you the real count of the accounts and don't select anything that can be empty. Okay, so we'll select your account name, and here we have different options. So we have to count them all or count them empty. So, based on the field type that you select, these things will change. So for example, if I select here status, then again we have count and non-empty because this is not numeric. Let's find some numeric values. Let's go to the credit limit and in the credit limit you can average the credit limit. You can count everything that is not empty. You can obtain either the maximum or minimum credit limit, or some combination of the two. So based on this, you can have different operations and after applying these operations, the system will show that particular figure on the chart. So let's just continue with the account name. You can add more than one series, but make sure that when you add more than one series, your chart is still giving you the right information and it's not cluttered. So based on that, you can choose and here you can change the chart type, so you can see that currently it is the bar chart. If you want to make it a column chart, you can click on this and the system will convert it to a column chart. So you can change all these and I would highly recommend you play around with this and see what kind of value works best for a specific chart. Similarly, you have top and bottom rules. So, if you want to see the top three, top five, or any custom records, or the bottom three, bottom five, or any custom records, or simply clear the rules, you can do so. Then on the horizontal, which is the left hand side, you have industry. So if you want to group by industry, So we are going to select one for grouping. You can add more categories if you want, and then you can give it a description so that we know what this chart does. So that's how you can create a chart and then you can just save it, save it and close it. And finally, you can go ahead here,click Done, and publish all customizations. So that's how the system charts are created, and these charts will be available to the users. Now let's see how you can create personal charts. So, to make a personal chart, all you have to do is go to the entity for which you want to make a chart. Click on Show Chart and then here you have something called New. So you can click New to create a new chart. Please note that this will be a personal chart and not a system chart, so it will be available only to the user who has created it. You can do that. You can create it from scratch or you can save any existing charts. For example, I want to save this existing chart, so I'll just say Save as and give it a name; say Newaccounts by Industry and give it a description; and click Save. So now you can see this chart is created. It is under my chart, which means that only I can see this particular chart. Now I want to modify this chart, so I can just go ahead and click Edit. And here I want to change the chart type. So instead of this, I'm just going to put a column chart and that's how it will represent and I will save it. You can just say "Save and Close." Let's refresh. You can see the chart is changed here. Similarly, you can refresh. You can again save this as you can create a new if you want to share this with other people. Because right now, you have created this chart so only you can see it. If you want to share it with other people, then you can click "Share" and add people here, giving them the right to rewrite, delete, assign, or share. Also, if you want to change the ownership of this particular chart and you don't want to continue updating it or using it, you can just click "Assign" and you can assign it to a team member. Select the team member and click "Assign." The next operation you have is delete. You can delete this personal chart, export this chart, and even import it. So let's click Export and let's save this particular chart. So just click save. You can open the XML. So, for example, I'm going to open this as a notepad that shows what it looks like and what you might want to change. So you can make changes. If you are familiar with XML, then definitely do it, otherwise avoid making changes here. Once you're done with the changes, all you can do is import the chart, and you can import the chart as personal as well as system. So let's see if you want to import the chartas personal, you can just click Import from here. You need to choose the file and click Open. Click Import. If a specific chart already exists, it will prompt you to replace both or cancel the import process. So if you replace, then the existing personal chart will be replaced. If you want to keep both, then it will ask you to change the name. So if I click Keep both, then I'm going to rename it to two and click Import. So it is imported. And here you can see you have accounts by industry and accounts by industry too. So, that way you can import. The other way is that you can import this particular chart into what you have exported as a system chart so that it is available to all the users. So we go here to the settings under Customizations. Let's click Customize the system. We expand the accounts entity and click Charts. From there, we have more actions. So we click more actions and click ImportChart, so the process remains the same. We will select that particular chart, click OpenImport, and you can import this particular chart. Now please note that once you have imported the personal chart which is already existing, it will give you a warning. But as it is a personal chart and not a system chart, the system will not give any warning because this will be available to all the users under Systemcharts and that was only for the specific user. So I'm not going to change anything. I'm just going to importing this. Click Import and it is imported. You can see that we have new accounts by industry here. Now we will just publish this entity or publish all customizations. Whichever way you can do it, So for a quick one, I made changes to only the account entity. I'm going to just publish this specific entity. So I will click on the accounts entity and click Publish. So it is published. Now I'm just going to close it. Right now you can see you don't have that new account by industry system chart. Let's refresh your chart. And here you can see you have new accounts by industry. So that's a system chart. Now this chart has become a system. So if you want to delete the existing ones,you can go ahead and do that because it is available to you by system and you don't need to manage the personal ones anymore. So that way, you can create charts, system charts, or personal charts. And you can also export and import. All right, so I hope you got the idea of what a chart is and its different components. So you can check sales ratings from the respective sales entity. So for example, you have lead, opportunity codes, etc., right? So for that, you need to go to a specific entity, for example, lead in this scenario. And here you need to click Show Chart and the chart will be shown along with the data, right? So you can see different types of charts by selecting the chart selector. And similarly, you can see the data on the right hand side. So let me just show you that in Dynamics 65, alright? So here I am in Dynamics '65. So under Sales, we click Leads. Here you need to click Show Chart. So by default, you can see leads by rating. So there are 15 records. You can see ten and five, right? So 15 records on the right-hand side. So you can see we have 15 records. So two leads are cold, three are hot, and ten are warm, right? So if you don't want to see only the leads that are cold, so that you can focus more on them and warm them up so that they can move close to the closure. So for that, you can just click on the chart for cold and it will be filtered. So on the right hand side, you can see two leads that are cold. If you want to see the leads that are, you can just click there as well. And here you will see that. Similarly, you have different charts available for leads. As a result, incoming lead analysis by month This is a different chart. That's something you can see and you have a lead generation rate. So, based on your requirements, you can create new charts and you can also see the charts that are available out of the box. Let's change the view to all leads. You will see different owners and how many leads each owner has. Similarly, the data will change for other charts as well. So based on the view, you can see charts and the data will change automatically, right? Similarly, you have opportunities and opportunities. We can select all opportunities and click Show Chart. And here you have top customers, so you know who is the top paying customer. So you get the list of ten top customers and you can see other charts like Deals One versus Deal Lost. So, how many are lost, and how many are one? So I would highly recommend you check these charts for each sales entity. That's a good way to get an understanding of how you can represent data in Dynamics 365 in charts and you will know all the out-of-the-box charts available for each entity. If your client has specific requirements, you can either modify an existing chart or create a new chart to meet those needs. Similarly, you have four different entities as well. So let's click account and click show chart. And here you can see account related chat as well. Alright, so I would highly recommend you check for accounts with Lead Opportunity competitors. It may not be required, but quotation orders invoices. I think these are the key entities that you must check. And just to get a functional overview of what each entity has and what kinds of charts are created for each entity, right? So that's it for this video. I will see you in the next video tutorial.
Alright, so welcome to this tutorial. In this tutorial, you will learn how you can execute and analyse sales reports in Dynamics 365. So there are many out-of-the-box sales reports that you will see when you sign up or deploy Dynamics 365 sales. So let's understand the concept of reports and the different types of reports and how you can create a report. I'm going to plug in the tutorial from the MB20 course, then we are going to look at a couple of reports in Dynamics 365 sales. So here's the video from the MB 20 course. As a result, Microsoft Dynamics 365 includes a plethora of pre-built reports for auditing and analysing your business data. So you will see a lot of base reports available when you sign up for a Dynamics 365 trial. And you can start checking data using those reports. And to access those reports, you can go to that specific entity, and in that entity, you will be able to click on reports and generate the report for that particular entity. For the on-premise version, Dynamics 365 supports two types of reports. First is the SQL-based model, which uses SQL queries. And please know that you can't deploy custom SQL-based reports online. The other one is fetch-based. So it uses fetch XML queries to build reports and can be used with both online and on-premise versions of Dynamics 365. And if you want to create reports in Dynamics 365,the easiest way is to use the Report Wizard. It allows you to select the entities for which you want to create a report and allows you to define the representation, what it should look like, grouping, filtering, and many other things you can do with that. And the reports created through ReportWizard are fetch XML based.But there are some limitations to XML-based reporting. It's like you can't utilise SQLfeatures like temp tables, table variables,Cdes, pivot, ranking, grouping, or partitioning. And if the reporting is too complex, developing an SSRS report that fetches XML becomes impossible. So make sure you use it for simple and easy reporting. It does not support all types of joins that are available, and it cannot be used with non-CRM databases. So if you're working with this, then you need to use it with CRM databases only. And also, it has a limit on how many entries you can link in the query. So there are some limitations to fetching XML. Another option that you can use to derive reporting and get insightful data is to use Power BI reporting, which can pull data from Dynamics 365 applications as well as from other Microsoft or non-microsoft applications. And it gives you really good dashboard reports so that you can make decisions the right way. So that's how the reporting works. So let me just show you how it works in Dynamics 365. All right, so here I am in Dynamics 365, so I want to see reports. So what I can do is just go to a specific entity, say accounts, and in accounts I can click on Run Report and it will show me all the reports that are available. As a result, we must either run on selected records or run on all records. So if I select a report account overview, there you have all applicable records or all records on all pages in the current view. So if you have like 1000 accounts in this particular view, then if you want to do it for all, you want to select the second option. If you want to do it only for the ones that you see on the screen, then all applicable records will be fine. So let's click "Run Report." It may take a few seconds to a minute to retrieve the information. So that's how it is. So you can see that you have this report layout. Let's click next to see some data. So this is the one which is the fourth coffee sample and you can see the information. You can see anything related to opportunities, the primary contact details, any additional contact services, and there's so many things you can see from a single report. To see the next record, you can just click nextpage and the system will show you that particular record. You can also go to the first page and last page of the report. You can refresh to get the latest data and you can change the zoom level if you want to fit this or say 150%. So based on that, you can use the zoomlevel, you can print the report, and you can also save the report in multiple formats. It can be saved in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, inPDF, tip file, MHTML, CSV, XML, and data feed. So these are the various ways you can save there, and you also have the option of including or excluding sub accounts. If you click Include, then you need to change and click View Report, and then the system will update based on that selection. Plus, these reports also allow you to go directly to the specific reports that you want to see. So, for example, I want to see this particular contact,I can just click on it and it opens that particular contact in a different window or a new tab. So I can see I can make changes if I need to or get more information as required. Similarly, for the opportunities, you can click on the opportunity name and it will open that in Dynamics 365. That's a very good way to get information. You can also edit filters, so you can just click on Edit Filter and you can select the filters. So, for example, if you want to see only accounts that have account numbers that contain data,it means it is not blank. You can have multiple filters if you want to group likes and or conditions. You can do that. So you need to select the row and then apply and or change it to or okay, or you can just remove the groups by clicking on them. The system will give you multiple options to group or condition and also filter the report. If you want to remove these filters, just click Clear, and once you're done, just click Run Report. Similarly, you can open other opportunities, like, for example, opportunities. You can change the view to see the record, so you have all opportunities. Let's click Run Reports and say competitor win or loss for all the records on this page. Click Run Report and it may take some time initially when you open any report for the first time, but after that it becomes faster. So, you can see that you have a competitor number of opportunities and a number of close against; what is your win rate and your loss rate? So you can see information and you can do filters and other things you can do as well. So that's how you can run reports for each entity, and then you can run reports from there. Now to create the report, you can go to PowerApps,make a portal, click on Solutions, and from there you can open the unmanaged solution for any customization. I would highly recommend you start by creating a new solution and then managing it. I will show you how you can create a new solution in the coming videos. But if you want to just do it quickly, then click New Solution and create a new solution, and then do all the customizations under it. So in this we will do the common dataservice default solution and click New and click Report. So it opens up the new report. Use the Report Type Wizard if you have an existing file or link to a web page. Both are available. So we'll choose report wizard.Report, and then click "Report Wizard." It opens up this wizard. Now you can start with a new report or use an existing report to modify that. So we'll just say to start a new report, click Next. Now give it a report name. Let's give it a name. In the Active Accounts report wizard, you can give it a description. Then what is the primary entity? So it will be accounts and anything you want to do from a related entity. So we'll choose we'll choose Contacts and then click Next. Now you need to define the filter criteria so you can use an existing view for accounts. So we'll just choose Active Accounts and here I can choose Active Contacts and then I can apply filters if I want. Similarly, if you don't want to use the existing view, you can create your own filters and you can create a new view. So we'll just choose the active ones and click Next. And then now you need to define the structure or the layout of fields. You need to group this report, then you will add columns for information. So click here to add a grouping. So I want to group accounts by, say, industry, ascending. What should be the column width? I would say 150 and it will be just like that. There's no summary required, just click OK. So that's similar. You can have multiple groupings. We'll just keep one for this example, and then we add columns for the report to display. So I want to see account name, yesadd more account number, address one city, and let's put just address one country. So you can add more columns if you want. Then you may want to configure sorting. So you just click on configure sorting. So you'll want to sort this by account name or number. Let's say you sort by an account name ascending by default. You can also set how many records you want to show at the top or bottom. So, as you can see, you need a numeric column to add this, and you can add a credit limitor any other numeric field to add this, and then you can define how many top or bottom records you want to see of this particular entity. You can also add columns from the contacts or the related records. So I want to see the full name of the contact and then click Next and it asks you if you want to have a table only or a chart or a table? If you have a chart or table, then you definitely need to have at least one numeric column, otherwise only the table-only option will be available. So we just click Next and that's it. We just click Next here and it is done. So click Finish now. The system will automatically update the name and also allow you to define the category. So I want to display this. It's a kind of sales report, so click okay, related record is already there and where you want to display it. So you want to display it on the record types you have chosen, accounts and contacts, so it will be visible in those entities and also from the reports area. So that's what you need to do. Just click Save, or you can just say Save and close refresh it.And now you can see this report is available. Make sure you publish all customizations. So now the customizations are published. So, returning to Dynamics 365, we will refresh the page, open accounts, and then click Run Report. You have an active Accounts Report Wizard and let's say applicable all in the current view, click Run Reportand here you can see the report. So you have industry, not special because for these accounts there is no industry defined, but for others, you can see you have accounting ones. So, for example, if you want to change it, adventure works should have an industry. You just click on this, it opens the record, and then you can click Details. Under that, you can select industries. Say accounting. Save it. Similarly, you can do for say, ContosoPharmaceuticals, click Details and select the Industry. Say consulting. Save it. Just go back here and click Refresh. Now you will notice that the data has been updated. So you can see this information here and you can design the report. All of the features remain the same. You can export it, you can print it, you can zoom it. If it has more than one page, then it will allow you to switch between those pages, otherwise it will not. You can also edit filters. So you can say, accounts where industry contains data. so that you will see only records that has Industries.We just click on Report and now you will see only the records that have industry defined and the blanks will not be shown. all right? So that's how you can use ReportWizard to create reports in Dynamics 365. all right? So I hope you get the idea of how you can create as well. This may not be useful for MB Two-Ten certification,but it is good for your understanding and learning. So that's why I added that particular section in this tutorial. So you can check Dynamics 365 out-of-box sales reports from the respective entity. So you can check, for example, from lead,from opportunity, from account for codes, et cetera. So you need to open an entity for which you want to see the reports, and then you can click on Run Report to see their available options and Run Reports.Also, you can see some reports from Form as well. So let's see a couple of reports in Dynamics 365 in Sales. All right, so here I am in Dynamics 365. Now, to open a report, you can just open a specific entity. For example, if I go to Accounts Entity,I can click Run Report and here it will show me the reports available. You can run three reports, and if you want to run reports for all the records, then you can run Sales History. So first, let's look at sales history. Let's select that. So when you open a report for the first time, it may take some time to load, but after that, it will be t and here So let's give it a few more seconds. Alright, so here we are and this is the report sales history by owner. You can see how much the revenue is generated. Green shows earned revenue and blue shows lost revenue. Now, these colours are a little difficult to see because they are almost the same. So when you create reports, you definitely need to make sure that you choose the contrast colors, right? So black, red, and those kinds of things can be really differentiated from each other. So, currently it shows only one owner. because I'm the owner of a Dynamics 365 user. If you have more than one owner, it means more sales people or more sales users. Then you'll see those, along with the sales figure. You can also change the group name and just click View Report. So, currently there is no category defined. Let's try for industry. The report can be viewed by clicking here. Again, we don't have any industry defined here. Let's check the month. Okay, so here we have December 2019, March 2020, and April 2020. And if you want to see the details of April 2020, and you want to see how many opportunities were closed in this particular month, you can just click on this month and then it will drill down and show us the record level details. So we have two opportunities, one and the actual revenue. You can see that from here. If you want to go back, you can just click go back and here you can see that. Similarly, you can group the report by territory. So just click "view report." Now you need to have good data so that you can analyse it. But right now we are using a demo version for training purposes. That's why you might see some variations in the report, right? But it is a good way when you have that information. If you click "Show all", it takes you to the detailed view of that. Also, if you want to see the filters applied, you can just click that and it shows the last one year. If you want to change the filters, you can just click Edit and here you can define them. Okay, so for example, if I want to see for two or three years, we can see that as well. So this is a sales history report. Similarly, we have a report for account overview. Let's click that. So we can choose either all applicable records or all records on all pages in the current view. So all of my active accounts will run it. Let's click on all the applicable records. So the report is available. Now we don't have any data here. Let's move to the next record. So you can just click on this arrow to go to the next page, and here you can see those records. Now it is important to understand the components of each report so you can analyse them in case you need to make changes. Then you can modify the report by asking the developer. This is the account name. The status of the account is active. It means this is an active account, which means you can do business with this account. This is the account number. Then you have basic information. So payment account industry, so if you've entered this specific account in Dynamics65, you'll see everything here. And currently, you can see that there are no active opportunities by probability and allopportunities are current state is one.So there is not much data on this. Okay, so let's see some other records that have some data. Okay, here we go fabric Active Opportunities. You can see this here. These are Active Opportunities. The probability of closing this is 90% and it is weighted at this level, right? So you can see here The active opportunity by closingdate is between 81% and 100%, and the opportunity is in progress. When we talk about customer service, you will see all of the data under this section. If you want to know who the primary contact is for a specific account, you can find that information here. Additional Contacts If you have more than one, you will see that here are any relationships that are available,any notes that you have written, and any recent interactions that you have had, plus any upcoming meetings and activities with this particular account. So it's a very good way to see account specific information at a given point of time, and this helps you get more information about the account and take appropriate actions. If you want to update anything in these particular records, then you can just click on the account name. It will open that record and then you can make changes as per your requirements. So, for example, if we change, we go to detail. If we change the industry to accounting and the ownership is private, we can save it by putting something payment terms and 30 shipping method. I'm going to add more information as per your requirements. So once you save it, all you can do is come here and refresh, and here you can see more information, so the industry is updated and the ownership is updated. Also, please note that the maximum number of accounts in this report cannot exceed ten. You can see that in the notes below this particular report. So, for something like this, I would strongly advise you to check various reports. So maybe you can go to lead and from there to report and see the different reports similar to opportunities and other entities, right? So this will really help you understand how reports work in Dynamics 65 and what the different outcomes of the box reports available in the sales function. So that's all for this video. I will see you in the next video tutorial.
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